Trinity Presbyterian Church Online Worship Service
for December 24, 2020 – Christmas Eve
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church’s online worship service!
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Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
2025/01/18-13:57:13-UTC 40th ols; 34woc; 7waro
Trinity has returned to Indoor Worship with LIMITED seating at 10AM on Sundays. In addition to limited seating, there are several details you should know before attending. Please read about them in our Guide to Indoor Worship. Please note, the live service TODAY ONLY is at 4:00 p.m. with an additional outdoor candlelight service at the Florida Agriculture Museum Barn on Old Kings Road. Click HERE to see the Christmas Eve Worship Service flyer. Also note, seating reservations are required at the 4:00 p.m. indoor service but not at the 6:30 p.m. outdoor service.
Please fill in your 2021 Stewardship Pledge Cards. If you need a new pledge card, please contact the church office for a replacement or print your own by clicking this link or the pledge card image. Once filled in, they may be turned in to the church or mailed to the church office. May God richly bless our generosity as we return to God a small portion of what He has given to us.
From the Finance Committee: the IRS requires that our financial books for 2020 be closed on December 31. Make sure any monetary offerings are postmarked by December 31 so it will be applied to your 2020 contribution statement. See this week’s bulletin for more information.
Trinity’s Bible Study is available online. Visit our website or Facebook page to view a video from Rev. Beebe. A new video will be released each week and will be available to watch whenever it is convenient for you. You can also ‘catch-up’ anytime at the Bible Study archive. To be included in our weekly email, simply subscribe to the website or join our Facebook group. Links to subscribe and join are at the bottom of our webpage.
Portions of the liturgy we use in the service are provided by Sanctified Art. Where used, they are identified with a superscript 2 (similar to this2). A copyright acknowledgment is at the bottom of this worship page.
Briefly, a word concerning the technical presentation of this service. If you are having difficulty reading the words, look for your web browser’s “Zoom” settings. The keystrokes are typically ‘Ctrl-Shift-+’ to increase the zoom or ‘Ctrl-Shift-(minus)’ to decrease the zoom. Other devices may have a different mechanism (‘finger pinch’), but most support zoom.
Although you could not be with us in-person today, we hope you will have a meaningful Sunday worship experience!
This week’s bulletin is available at any time by clicking this link. The bulletin will open in a separate tab or window.
The order of service on this page closely follows the bulletin, but there are additional items in the bulletin that may be of interest to you and that are not included on this page.
Today’s service contains:
Prelude “Welcome to Our World” with “Away in a Manger”
Call to Worship
Hymn #134 “Joy to the World”
Candle Lighting
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Forgiveness
Anthem “Ding Dong! Merrily on High”
The Road to Bethlehem
Affirmation of Faith
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Anthem “Silent Night”
Responsive Reading
Prayer for Illumination
Old Testament Reading
New Testament Reading
Hymn “O Holy Night”
Gospel Lesson
Meditation “Cantique de Noel”
Lighting of the Luminaries with Carol #122 “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Postlude “Angels We Have Heard on High”
Prelude “Welcome to Our World” with “Away in a Manger”
Heasuk Che, organist.
arr. Page
Call to Worship
Jane Pellmann, lay reader.
provided by: A Sanctified Art2
One: This year, we dreamed of world peace. All: We dreamed of deep breaths and restful sleep.
One: We dreamed of love that lasts and suffering that passes. All: We dreamed of doors open wide and a cure to disease.
One: We dreamed, because to dream is to believe. All: For to dream is to hope; to dream is to see.
One: So make room in your being to dream yet again, All: Of a world without fear, and a God that draws near.
One: For it is almost Christmas. All: Love is almost here.
Hymn #134 “Joy to the World”
Barbara Davis, Carol Corson, Kathy Link, Julie Pearson, Norma Rogero, Judith Spurrell, Lillian Warner, and Bob Wright. Accompanied by pianist Heasuk Che and flutist Jillian Koenig.
1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her king;
let every heart prepare him room,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.
2 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
Let all their songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks, hills,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
3 No more let sins and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground;
he comes to make his blessings flow
far as the curse is found,
far as the curse is found,
far as, far as the curse is found.
4 He rules the world with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
and plains the glories of his righteousness
and wonders of his love,
and wonders of his love,
and wonders, wonders of his love.
Candle Lighting and Prayer of Confession
Lay readers: Jeff, Cyndy, Ben, Allacyn, Megann, and Erynn Beebe.
“Good news of great joy,” the angel said, “for to you a savior is born.”
“Peace on earth,” the choir sang, “for God reigns in the highest.”
“Follow me,” the star beckoned, “For Hope was born in Bethlehem.”
As we light the Christ candle, We watch for the Christmas story around us.
Emmanuel has come and is coming. Come, all ye faithful, and worship God.
Prayer of Confession
One: Ever-present God, from time to time we dream radical dreams. All: We dream of freedom for the imprisoned, food for the hungry, and equality for all.
One: We dream bold, radical dreams, until the world tells us that these dreams are impossible. All: And when that happens, we are tempted to tuck our dreams into coat pockets and let them collect dust on the shelves of our hearts. Forgive us for giving up so easily.
One: Forgive us for giving up so easily, for on this night we remember and celebrate a radical dream — that you dwelled among us. All: Give us the courage to dust old dreams off the shelf with the confidence that with you, the impossible is possible.
One: With you, a light always shines in the darkness. All: With you, even an unwed teenage couple and a band of shepherds can bring joy to the world.
One: Thanks be to God for a dream like that. Amen. (Silence for Reflection)
Declaration of Forgiveness
The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting.
I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
May the God of mercy, who forgives us all our sins, strengthen us in all goodness, and by the
power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.
Anthem “Ding Dong Merrily on High”
Handbell Choir: Martha Gioielli, Norma Rogero, Barbara Davis, Kathy Link, Joyce Lewis, and Liz Monaco. Directed by Lillian Warner.
arr. L. Warner
The Road to Bethlehem
Brooke Tucker, Director of Faith Formation.
Affirmation of Faith
Brooke Tucker, lay reader.
provided by: A Sanctified Art2
One: We believe in hope. All: We believe that to hope is to dream with our eyes wide open.
One: We believe in peace. All: We believe that peace is not found by accident. Prepare the way.
One: We believe in joy. All: We believe that joy is angel choruses and gifts from the Magi, as well as soul food, big tables, open doors, candle light, fireside, singing in the shower, and the body of Christ gathered as one.
One: We believe in love. All: We believe that God loves us so much that God could not stay away. So God showed up as a child. We believe that that love is real, and we know that it changes us.
One: Therefore, we believe in the power of dreams, All: And we believe that nightmares, which are all too real here and now, will have no place in God’s promised day.
One: Until then, we believe in passing the light, in showing up, in doing the work, in listening for angel choruses, and in learning from the youngest among us. All: We believe. Help our unbelief. Amen.
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
provided by: A Sanctified Art2
We come to you tonight with dreams tucked into our pockets,
admitting that at times it feels risky to dream.
At times it feels risky to ask for too much, to believe in that which we cannot see.
So instead we make wishes on stars and search for luck in clover fields.
Instead of sinking into you, we try to control the narrative.
However, somewhere rumbling deep in our heart,
there is a dream of a better world, trapped like a caged bird.
Open our eyes to you in our midst.
Give us the confidence of Mary to sing into the mystery.
Dust your dream for us off the shelves of our hearts until once more, we are those who dream. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Anthem “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Handbell Choir: Martha Gioielli, Kathy Link, Liz Monaco, Janet Schaaf, Marilyn Paris, and Joyce Lewis. Directed by Lillian Warner.
arr. L. Warner
Responsive Reading
Jane Pellmann, lay reader.
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Psalm 96
1 O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. 3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. 4 For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be revered above all gods. 5 For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. 6 Honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7 Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 8 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts. 9 Worship the Lord in holy splendor; tremble before him, all the earth. 10 Say among the nations, “The Lord is king!
The world is firmly established; it shall never be moved.
He will judge the peoples with equity.” 11 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;
let the sea roar, and all that fills it; 12 let the field exult, and everything in it.
Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy 13 before the Lord; for he is coming,
for he is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with righteousness,
and the peoples with his truth.
Prayer for Illumination
Jane Pellmann, lay reader.
provided by: A Sanctified Art2
Holy God,
If we listen closely, we can almost hear the angels sing.
If we listen closely, we can almost hear the bleats of sheep following shepherds,
And the hooves of confused barn animals.
If we listen closely, we can almost hear the innkeeper say, “No room.”
If we listen closely, we can almost hear the star whisper, “Follow me.”
If we listen closely, God, we can almost hear you.
So as we turn to your Word, Holy Writer, don’t let us miss a thing—
The smell of the hay, the cool of the air, the way Mary cherished this wild dream in her heart.
We want to hear it all; we don’t want to miss a thing.
So today we pray—can you help us listen closely? Amen.
Old Testament Reading
Jane Pellmann, lay reader.
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Isaiah 9:2-7 – The Righteous Reign of the Coming King. Listen for God speaking to you today.
2 The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness—
on them light has shined. 3 You have multiplied the nation,
you have increased its joy;
they rejoice before you
as with joy at the harvest,
as people exult when dividing plunder. 4 For the yoke of their burden,
and the bar across their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressor,
you have broken as on the day of Midian. 5 For all the boots of the tramping warriors
and all the garments rolled in blood
shall be burned as fuel for the fire. 6 For a child has been born for us,
a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders;
and he is named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 His authority shall grow continually,
and there shall be endless peace
for the throne of David and his kingdom.
He will establish and uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time onward and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
New Testament Reading
Jane Pellmann, lay reader.
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Titus 2:11-14 – Teach Sound Doctrine. Listen for God speaking to you today.
11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all, 12 training us to renounce impiety and worldly passions, and in the present age to live lives that are self-controlled, upright, and godly, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 14 He it is who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds.
Hymn “O, Holy Night”
Carol Corson, Kathy Link, Martha Gioielli, Lillian Warner, Barbara Davis, Priscilla Cahill, Judith Spurrell. Accompanied by pianist Heasuk Che and flutist Jillian Koenig.
1 O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pinning.
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night, O night divine
2 Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
Over the world a star sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wise men from the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friend. He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger!
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King, Before Him lowly bend!
3 Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains He shall break, the slave is our brother,
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever
His power and glory evermore proclaim!
His power and glory evermore proclaim!
Gospel Lesson
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) – The Birth of Jesus. Listen for God speaking to you today. 1 In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 All went to their own towns to be registered. 4 Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. 5 He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
The Shepherds and the Angels. 8 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”
15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
Meditation “Cantique de Noel”
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
Lighting of Luminaries with Carol #122 “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Barbara Davis, Carol Corson, Kathy Link, Julie Pearson, Norma Rogero, Judith Spurrell, Lillian Warner, and Bob Wright. Accompanied by pianist Heasuk Che and flutist Jillian Koenig.
Stille Nacht
1 Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright ’round yon virgin mother and child!
Holy Infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.
2 Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight; glories stream from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing “Alleluia: Christ the Savior is born; Christ the Savior is born!”
3 Silent night, holy night!
Son of God, love’s pure light radiant beams from thy holy face,
with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.
4 Silent night, holy night!
Wondrous star, lend thy light; with the angels let us sing
Alleluia to our King: Christ the Savior is born; Christ the Savior is born.
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
Postlude “Angels We Have Heard on High”
Heasuk Che, organist.
Please continue to give your offering.
God calls us to give all of who we are, and all of what we have to be used in and thru the Church. So let us present our lives. Let us present our gifts unto God. Offerings can be received in the church by mail or you may use online banking options.
You can click the image to the right or this link to give online now. At the online Giving site, select “2020 Pledge” as the Fund to fulfill your 2020 pledge or use another fund if you’re directing your gift elsewhere. Note, the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution via online giving. Increasing your gift would help cover the cost of processing and would be greatly appreciated.
If you’d like to see alternatives to online giving, please take a look at our Contribute page.
The Service has Ended
May the Peace of Christ be with you!
Thank you for joining us online! We hope you will join us again as long as we need to be apart. We pray for the day when we can all meet again and worship God in the sanctuary and Trinity Presbyterian Church.
2 Prayer by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | Cover Art: Design by Lauren Wright Pittman; Photography by Lisle Gwynn Garrity