The Christian life is a response of gratitude to God – for his gifts of love and grace. The giving of our time and talents that God has blessed us with enables the church to accomplish God’s mission in the world. Giving back to God enriches our lives and the lives of others. Trinity Presbyterian Church is a vibrant, active church that has many opportunities for those looking to become involved or to contribute to the church either as a volunteer or in a financial manner.
Contributions / Donations
Your help is needed for Trinity to continue to be a vibrant church. There are a number of ways you can do so:
- Give a one-time donation
- Make a Stewardship Commitment
- Fill out a Time and Talent Form
- Contribute a Gift of Stock
Trinity also joins with other Presbyterian churches and denominations and collects “special offerings” several times throughout the year. To learn more about these offerings, contact our Missions committee.
Every contribution is important and appreciated. No matter the size, every contribution makes a difference and helps provide ongoing ministry and mission, enabling us to grow our church’s outreach.
Opportunities to Serve
Are you interested in helping in certain ministry areas or have other special skills you would like to share? Fill out the time and talent form and let us know which ministries you are interested in serving in, your interests, talents, skills, and availability.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are a multitude of opportunities for those that would like to offer their time and talents as volunteers! Here are only some of the many ways you can get involved:
- Facility Care
- Christian Education
- Finance/Stewardship
- Office volunteers
- Sound system volunteers
- Worship and welcoming volunteers
For a more detailed description of the types of activities, time requirements, and contact information, contact the church office.
What about Deacons and Elders? Deacons and Elders are important nominated volunteer positions within the church! For more information about becoming an Elder or Deacon, contact the Clerk of Session or the Pastor.
How can you make a donation? Trinity Presbyterian Church receives a majority of its financial support from commitments pledged to the general operating fund. Pledges are disbursed according to the will of the congregation as approved by Session. Donated funds can be designated for a specific purpose by indicating your preference on your check or with your online gift. Members and friends of Trinity may make donations in various ways.
On Sundays, you may place a check or cash in the offering plate when it is passed during worship. Use the envelopes found in the pews or request your own personalized giving envelopes by calling the Finance Office at 386-445-4757.
Mail or drop off your check at the Church Office: Trinity Presbyterian Church, 156 N. Florida Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137. Some members find it most convenient to write a check to the church monthly, as they write checks for monthly bills. Payments using an online bill paying service should be sent to this address as well.
Use a debit or credit card or a checking or savings account to give online via Shelby Online Giving on the Church website. This method saves time, postage and check charges, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting to bring your contribution on Sunday. The debit or credit card or banking information is processed through an electronic gateway service using encryption and other security methods to protect your financial information. Select the Donate button below and complete the form. You will receive an email confirmation of your donation.
Please note that the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution through Shelby Online Giving. Increasing your gift would help cover the cost of online processing and would be greatly appreciated.
Need help with online giving? You may also fill out this EFT Authorization Agreement, attach a voided check or fill in your debit or credit card information, and mail or drop off to Judy Grady. The donation will be processed through Shelby Online Giving and will occur on the third of each month. If the third falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, it will occur on the following business day. At any time you desire, you may change or cancel your authorization by submitting your written request to the Finance office.
Year-end contribution statements will be provided to you as a record of your giving. If you have any questions, contact Judy Grady, 386-445-4757.
Contact the Finance Office at 386-445-4757