Choir and Handbell Performances
Here we direct you to Trinity Choir and Handbell performances that have been recorded and published on other hosting services (e.g. YouTube) by individuals associated with the choir.
Choir and handbell members love working as a team under the loving hand of our directors, Heasuk Che and Lillian Warner, to humbly make music for God’s glory.
February 23, 2020: “Standing in the Need of Prayer“
January 26, 2020: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise“
December 8, 2019: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel“
December 8, 2019: “Carols for Advent“
December 8, 2019: “Noel“
December 8, 2019: “Tidings of Comfort and Joy“
November 24, 2019: “America Give Thanks“
November 27, 2019: “Love Divine“
November 11, 2019: “Solid Rock“
October 27, 2019: “Love Divine“
May 19, 2019: “It is Well“
April 21, 2019: “Alive, Alive – Children’s Choir“
April 21, 2019: “Jesus Christ is Risen Today“
April 21, 2019: “Littany for Easter“
April 21, 2019: “The Strife is O’er“
April 21, 2019: “Come ye Faithful Raise the Strain“
April 21, 2019: “Thine is the Glory“
April 21, 2019: “Hallelujah Chorus“
April 18, 2019: “Go To Dark Gethsemane“
April 14, 2019: “Ride on King Jesus“
March 24, 2019: “My Jesus I Love Thee“
February 24, 2019: “All Things Bright and Beautiful“
January 27, 2019: “Shall We Gather at the River“
January 27, 2019: “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us“ (Organ Prelude)
December 16, 2018: “Christmas Concert“ (Part 1)
December 16, 2018: “Christmas Concert“ (Part 2)
November 18, 2018: “Let All Things Now Living“
October 28, 2018: “Lord I Ring My Praise to Thee“