Fundamentals of Membership at Trinity
According to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) individual Presbyterian churches are ruled by elders elected from the membership at large. This administrative structure, the session, is supplemented by the congregational call of teaching elders, who are responsible for leading the congregation in faith.
According to this Book of Order, “A congregation shall welcome all persons who trust in God’s grace in Jesus Christ and desire to become a part of the fellowship and ministry of His church.”
Consistent with the above, entry into membership may be achieved in the following ways:
- Public profession of faith made before the session, and if not already baptized, the person shall be baptized.
- Certificate of transfer, when a person is a member of another Christian church at the time of transfer, or
- Reaffirmation of faith, for persons previously baptized in the name of the triune God and having publicly confessed their faith.
For those who would like to join the church, the Membership Information Form may be printed at home, completed, and turned in to the church office for processing. A separate form is required for each individual wishing to join in membership. Adobe Reader, a free download, is required to view the form. A comprehensive overview of membership is available in the page Membership Complete.