Welcome Brochure

Trinity Presbyterian Church

156 Florida Park Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137
(386) 445-4757
“Come and see what God has done!” — Psalm 66:5

These words from the Psalmist ring forever true here at Trinity Presbyterian Church, where the ministry of 30+ years has touched thousands of hearts. The church family has open arms to all who would enter her doors and experience Christ’s love in worship, fellowship, and service.

We are a fellowship of almost 500 believers who live by the motto: Open hearted; open minded. This means that we respond to God’s call to go into the world utilizing the gifts God has given us; a commitment towards inclusiveness and diversity.

Trinity is called by God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to be a worshiping, nurturing and serving community proclaiming the message of Christ, demonstrating that message in our lives, sensitive to the needs of others, with concern for social justice and ecumenism, providing sound Christian Education and supporting Christ’s mission at home and around the world.

You are invited to peruse this booklet and learn more about us. We are confident that you will find a ministry to guide you, an unmet need to challenge you, and a divine hand to hold you. So we invite you to judge for yourself.

Come and see what God has done and is doing at Trinity!

Mission Programs

Family Life Center
Flagler County Resource Center
Gilda Blair Family Food Program
Thornwell Presbyterian Home & School for Children
Camp Montgomery
Jamaica Ecumenical Mutual Mission
Native American Mission
Presbyterian Disaster Relief
One Great Hour of Sharing


Sundays, 11:00 AM Traditional Worship Services

Worship Leaders
[Awaiting Interim Pastor assignment]
Heasuk Che, Director of Music and Organist
Lillian Warner, Director of Handbell Choir

Music Programs

Chancel Choir, Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM
Children’s Choir (Treble Makers and Wee Singers),  Monday, 5:30 – 6:00 PM
Praise Team Rehearsal, Wednesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Handbell Choir Mondays, 9:30 – 11:30 AM
Montreat Worship & Music Conference
For further information contact: Heasuk Che at heasukche@gmail.com

Family Activities

Holiday Fair (crafts, food, collectibles)
Potluck Suppers
Annual Spaghetti Supper
Pancake Supper
Easter Egg Hunt
Annual Car Wash

Education Ministry

Sunday School for Children, Youth and Adults
In-Home Bible Study Group
Confirmation Class (8th Grade)
Weekly Fellowship Groups:
Trinity Troopers (Grades K-5): Monday from 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Middle School (Grades 6-8): Wednesday from 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Senior High Youth (Grades 9-12): Sunday from 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Children’s Vacation Bible School Seasonal Programs for all Ages

Children & Youth

Cub Scout Troop Webelos
Vacation Bible School

Trinity Troopers (K–5th Grade)
Weekly meetings
Service/Mission Projects

Middle School Youth (Grades 6-8)
Weekly meetings
Service/Mission Projects
Trips Fund Raising Dinners

High School Youth (Grades 9-12)
Weekly meetings
Service/Mission Projects
Montreat Youth Conference
Fund Raising Dinners
Youth led Worship Service


Trinity Presbyterian Women
Church Women United
Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts
Senior Adult Ministry
Holiday Fair

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