You may be reading this brochure at a very difficult time in your life. Someone you loved dearly has died and life has become confusing. We hope that this brochure will help answer some of the questions you may have. The pastors and staff of Trinity will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Funerals and memorial services at Trinity Presbyterian Church are intended to honor those who have died, comfort their family and friends, and proclaim a witness to the resurrection in Jesus Christ. In order to help with the planning of funerals and memorial services at Trinity, please review the following:
The pastor is available to assist in the planning of the service by visiting in your home or meeting with you in the pastor’s study at the church. Please call the pastor at 386-445-4757 or 386-449-9166 to make an appointment.
Coordinating the tasks of church volunteers and staff members including ushers, sound technicians, musicians, columbarium representative, and Congregational Life Committee (reception) committee is the work of the pastor and the church administrative assistant. The pastor will consult with those planning the service concerning any guest(s) who might be invited to assist in leading the service.
Funerals and memorial services may be conducted in the church sanctuary, in the Wilson Chapel and Columbarium, another columbarium, at a funeral home, at the graveside, a mausoleum, or at another location determined by those planning the service with the pastor.
When conducted at the church, family members and friends who will be seated with the family are asked to plan their arrival for twenty minutes before the service is scheduled to begin and to gather in Wilson Chapel.
Funerals and memorial services at the church usually include the following:
- a printed order of worship including a brief biography;
- a prelude, a postlude, and accompaniment of soloists and congregational hymns by the church organist;
- ushers to assist in welcoming and seating the worshipers;
- assistance from the ushers with placement of floral arrangements and other items in the chancel, narthex, and/or Mehaffey Hall;
- a compact disc (CD) recording of the services in the sanctuary (not for services held in the Wilson Chapel); and
- a reception including light refreshments in Mehaffey Hall following worship.
Other considerations:
Family and friends of the deceased may wish to make memorial gifts to the church. The church address is 156 Florida Park Drive, Palm Coast, Florida, 32137, and the telephone number is 386-445-4757. When donors make gifts and provide their names and addresses, receipts are provided to them, and the family of the deceased is notified by the church Memorial Committee.
The best days and times for services are Mondays through Saturday at 10 AM, 11 AM or 2 PM and on Sundays at 2 PM. Columbarium committal services and graveside and mausoleum services can be scheduled at a separate time from worship services at the church.
Questions concerning the Columbarium in Wilson Chapel can be directed to Columbarium Manager through the church office.
Fraternal, military, community, or other rites in keeping with the Christian tradition may take place in the sanctuary or chapel and should be conducted separately from the service of worship, usually following the benediction and before the reception.
All musical selections must be approved by the pastor and the Musical Director in advance of the service itself.
At Trinity, funerals and memorial services without special musical selections or soloists are conducted at no charge for members. For non-members, the following charges apply. Since many members ask for guidance in making donations in conjunction with the service, the following suggestions may also serve as basic guidelines:
Pastor – $200
Organist – $100
Soloist – $75 *
Sound Tech – $50
Custodian – $50
Reception – $100
(*) Applies to both members and non-members
Honorariums for the pastor, organist, soloist, sound technician, custodian and the reception should be paid by check or cash in an envelope marked specifically for the person rendering the service.
Our hearts and prayers are with you at this distressing time.