Service & Outreach
“Trinity Presbyterian Church is called by God, through our Lord Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to be a worshiping, nurturing, and serving community”

A Worshiping Community
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” –Mathew 18:20
Trinity Palm Coast
One Great Hour of Sharing
Presbyterian Counseling Center: Trinity acts as a satellite host center for mental health counceling services.
Boys & Girl Scouts of Flagler County: Trinity asks as a host facility for the scout’s weekly meetings.
Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous: Our church building is a host site for weekly meetings.
Trinity Presbyterian Church of Chinle, AZ: A small church located on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona dedicated to spreading the Gospel among Native Americans. Our support includes: Financial assistance and bible study literature.
Boys & Girl Scouts of Flagler County: Trinity asks as a host facility for the scout’s weekly meetings.
Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous: Our church building is a host site for weekly meetings.
Trinity Presbyterian Church of Chinle, AZ: A small church located on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona dedicated to spreading the Gospel among Native Americans. Our support includes: Financial assistance and bible study literature.
Contribute Fund: Unpledged General Fund
One Great Hour of Sharing: The programs supported are Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. All work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work knits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.
Contribute Fund: One Great Hour of Sharing
Per Capita and Giving Catalog: The Synod, which are representatives elected from each presbytery to oversee several presbyteries, and the General Assembly, which is the national governing body, support missions through the Per Capita fee, the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, through Mission Partners, through Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services.
Contribute Fund: Per Capita

A Serving Community
“Carry each other’s burdens, and In this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” –Galatians 6:2
Birthday Fund
Family Food Program
Family Life Center: Founded in 1985 by TPC. Operates a safe house in Flagler County. Provides temporary refuge to individuals and family victims of domestic violence or abuse. Our support includes: Financial Assistance, food, pet supplies, clothing and miscellaneous personal items.
Whispering Meadows: Serving Flagler County, FL. Provide rehabilitation for physically and mentally disabled via equine therapy. Whispering Meadows Ranch is a PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) Member Center with Certified Riding Instructors that design and teach all of the equine programs. Our support includes: Financial assistance and volunteers to assist at their events.
Boys & Girls Club of Flagler County: The club operates out of Rymfire Elementary School. Core elements of the program are character and leadership development, academic tutoring, health and life skills, sports and the arts. Our support includes: Financial assistance.
Old Glory Dogs 4 Veterans, Inc: Trains rescued dogs as companions for military veterans. Our support includes: Financial assistance for dog care and veterinarian care.
Mandeville Life Skills Center: A training center in Palm Coast for mentally and physically disabled persons. Provides vocational training and promotes self-dependency and social skills. Assist trainees in finding employment with local businesses. Our support includes: financial assistance.
Whispering Meadows: Serving Flagler County, FL. Provide rehabilitation for physically and mentally disabled via equine therapy. Whispering Meadows Ranch is a PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) Member Center with Certified Riding Instructors that design and teach all of the equine programs. Our support includes: Financial assistance and volunteers to assist at their events.
Boys & Girls Club of Flagler County: The club operates out of Rymfire Elementary School. Core elements of the program are character and leadership development, academic tutoring, health and life skills, sports and the arts. Our support includes: Financial assistance.
Old Glory Dogs 4 Veterans, Inc: Trains rescued dogs as companions for military veterans. Our support includes: Financial assistance for dog care and veterinarian care.
Mandeville Life Skills Center: A training center in Palm Coast for mentally and physically disabled persons. Provides vocational training and promotes self-dependency and social skills. Assist trainees in finding employment with local businesses. Our support includes: financial assistance.
Contribute Fund: Birthday Mission
Food Vouchers: A food voucher program for qualified families needing immediate assistance. Additionally Trinity provides snacks for: annual youth Cedarkirk Mission Trip, Vacation Bible School, and the Youth Christmas Party.
Contribute Fund: Family Food Program
Our church members practice stewardship by promoting the benefits of being a member of a church, sharing our various talents for the good of the church and contributing with tithes and offerings, but one other facet of stewardship is available to us. Environmental stewardship. God gave us this beautiful planet and has entrusted us to be good stewards of it. Below are ways we can do this, not only at church but at home in our everyday lives.
Adopt-a-Road: This City program is intended to help their Public Works Department by picking up litter and trash along a specified section of roadway. In our case, we have adopted the section on Palm Harbor Parkway from Frontier Drive to Cottonwood Court. Our work in this regard allows the City crews to divert their litter cleaning up crews to other areas while at the same time giving our church exposure in the City by means of the Adopt-a-Road signs posted at the two ends of this adopted roadway section that runs by our church. We meet every other month and the work takes less than an hour. Safety vests, gloves and trash bags are provided by the City so no money or donations are required to participate.
Recycling: Since our current waste hauler has stopped recycling plastic bottles, we can take home those used bottles we use at church and recycle in that manner since residential recycling does take this item. The same would apply to any other plastic item that has a 1 or 2 in the triangular symbol. Additionally, plastic bags that the church gets from stores or grocery stores can be taken and returned to those stores for recycling, rather than just putting them in the church’s trash.
Adopt-a-Planter: There are two long raised wall planters on the front of the church facing Florida Park Drive that need flowers. There is no irrigation to these planters, but drought tolerant ground covers that cascade over the wall edge are a beautiful addition to the church landscaping. We have used dune sunflower plants in the past and they have worked well, but the planters need periodic watering to establish and some weeding to keep them nice. If you are interested in this adoption, please contact the Facility Care Committee chairman.
Adopt-a-Road: This City program is intended to help their Public Works Department by picking up litter and trash along a specified section of roadway. In our case, we have adopted the section on Palm Harbor Parkway from Frontier Drive to Cottonwood Court. Our work in this regard allows the City crews to divert their litter cleaning up crews to other areas while at the same time giving our church exposure in the City by means of the Adopt-a-Road signs posted at the two ends of this adopted roadway section that runs by our church. We meet every other month and the work takes less than an hour. Safety vests, gloves and trash bags are provided by the City so no money or donations are required to participate.
Recycling: Since our current waste hauler has stopped recycling plastic bottles, we can take home those used bottles we use at church and recycle in that manner since residential recycling does take this item. The same would apply to any other plastic item that has a 1 or 2 in the triangular symbol. Additionally, plastic bags that the church gets from stores or grocery stores can be taken and returned to those stores for recycling, rather than just putting them in the church’s trash.
Adopt-a-Planter: There are two long raised wall planters on the front of the church facing Florida Park Drive that need flowers. There is no irrigation to these planters, but drought tolerant ground covers that cascade over the wall edge are a beautiful addition to the church landscaping. We have used dune sunflower plants in the past and they have worked well, but the planters need periodic watering to establish and some weeding to keep them nice. If you are interested in this adoption, please contact the Facility Care Committee chairman.
Contribute Fund: Unpledged General Fund

A Nurturing Community
“Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” –Proverbs 22:6
Presbyterian Women
Montreat Ecumenical Retreat
Faith Formation
Mission supported by PW: PW commit to nurture faith through prayer and Bible study. To support the mission of the church worldwide. To work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church USA and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom. Missions: Children’s concerns, Native American churches, homeless shelters, and new churches (Birthday Fund), Creative Ministries Offering (Thank You Offering), Women’s projects on every continent and for experiences which create a Christian Community across national, racial and denominational lines (Fellowship of the Least Coin).
Contribute Fund: Prebyterian Women
High School Student Retreat: Trinity High School Students attend an annual Youth Conference at the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC. TPC supports the youth trip via financial assistance and volunteer leadership.
Contribute Fund: Youth Mission
Faith Formation Mission: Youth participate in mission trips, Souper Bowl of Caring, a community wide Trunk or Treat. The Weller Library within its mission statement, provides literature for our congregation. Monetary donations help keep new books and supplies up to date. Community Wide Vacation Bible School Program for Youth in Kindergarten to 5th grade and a community wide Easter Egg Hunt.
Contribute Fund: Youth Group General
Gifts for FLC Children: Trinity’s Christmas angel tree provides an opportunity for Trinity members & friends to purchase gifts and donate them at Christmas time for needy children in the Family Food Program and the Family Life Center. Our support includes: Christmas Presents.
Contribute Fund: Unpledged General Fund (indicate Angel Tree)
Beth-el Farmworkers Ministry: This Presbyterian founded ministry includes an annual mission trip to help with food distribution to farmer workers in central Florida at Beth-el Farms.
Bible Study Groups: The Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study groups collect donations for both local (county) and international needs (food, clothing, money, etc.).
Thornwell Ministry: A diverse non-profit ministry across Florida, Georgia and South Carolina committed to the most innovative and effective solutions to heal, strengthen and empower children and families. Thornwell aligns with child welfare agencies to prevent child abuse and neglect, to buildup and reunite families and support healthy communities.
Bible Study Groups: The Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study groups collect donations for both local (county) and international needs (food, clothing, money, etc.).
Thornwell Ministry: A diverse non-profit ministry across Florida, Georgia and South Carolina committed to the most innovative and effective solutions to heal, strengthen and empower children and families. Thornwell aligns with child welfare agencies to prevent child abuse and neglect, to buildup and reunite families and support healthy communities.
Contribute Fund: Unpledged General Fund (indicate Adult Missions)
The Deacon Assistance Fund: A fund supporting Flagler county residents for immediate assistance.
Pandemic Housing Assistance: For disaster relief and housing assistance.
Pandemic Housing Assistance: For disaster relief and housing assistance.
Contribute Fund: Deacon Fund or Mission Fund
Christmas Angel Tree Program
Adult Missions
Assistance Programs