TPC Organ Fund
WHY an Organ Fund?
WE BELIEVE: The organ is a valuable and instrument in our sacred space of worship here God’s people use their hearts and voices to sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. Our current sanctuary organ was installed in 1995 with the completion of the Sanctury.
After nearly 30 years, the Session, at the request of the Worship & Music Committee, agreed to a replacement. You may be asking why? First and foremost, our existing organ continues to have inopportune power glitches. Secondly, new technologies have since been introduced. Thirdly, service and replacement parts are not readily available.
Earlier this year the Session approved the formation of an “Organ Replacement Committee” to explore our congregation’s options in finding an adequate upgrade.
How can I contribute?
That’s easy, just click the DONATE button here, Sign In to be sure your contribution counts toward your IRS Charitable Contributions, choose a One-Time or Recurring contribution, from the Funds menu select “Organ Fund”, enter the amount you wish to contribute, and press Submit!
Allen Renaissance 380 Organ
80 Stop
Three Manual
The new standard for organ building in the 21st. century, with the most realistic pipe organ sound available in a pipeless organ. Renaissance opens a new world of choice and control with the world’s first programmable stop list and CD-ROM sample library.
Allen’s revolutionary Active Pipe Response puts the feel and response of a fine mechanical action pipe organ at your fingertips. The expressiveness of The Renaissance Choir Division will add a new dimension to your phrasing. With new SoundMatrix technology, this instrument offers control never before possible. Select specifications are compiled by Allen tonal designers.
Virtual Acoustics creates the acoustic environment of your choice, from pipe chamber to cathedral.
Cost – $70,000 includes installation, a 5 year warranty, and removal of existing organ.
Here are a few samples of this instrument being played. The music is from “Echos of the Basilica” by Thomas Hazelton.
02 – Communion (4:03)
03 – Holy God We Praise Thy Name (4:56)
04 – Pavanne (4:03)
05 – Flute Tune (1:27)
06 – Kyrie (Mass in C# Minor) (4:03)
07 – Sanctus (4:37)
08 – In A Monastery Garden (6:13)
09 – Cortege et Litanie (5:53)
10 – Little Litanies of Jesus (2:43)
11 – Praise To The Lord (7:51)
Ad Hoc Organ Replacement Committee (2024)
- Judy Spurrell – Team Leader
- Heasuk Che
- Lillian Warner
- Ken Mettler
- Kenny Wittmer
- Martha Gioielli
- Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe (former pastor)