Worship Service: December 11, 2022 at 10AM

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


Bulletin for December 11, 2022 Worship Service

Sunday’s almost here! Please join us for Trinity’s 10am Worship Service.

If you cannot attend in-person, our Live Stream is available during the worship service. We also record the services if you would like to watch later.

For a preview of the service, church announcements, and more — read this week’s bulletin.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


Warning: Be vigilant for holiday scams!

It’s that time of year again. Yes, the holidays are rolling past so, of course, it’s time for a push on email and phone scams!

The church office has already received three email phishing attempts from Rev Beebe imposters and Heasuk imposters. You could be next.

If you don’t know who’s calling, just don’t answer. The good guys will leave a message. If the “From” address in an email looks odd, then call the sender to check before taking any action. Did you know that an email from jeffrey.w.beebe@gmail.com is not from our Rev Beebe?

Trinity staff members would NEVER ask you to provide financial or account information via email, over the phone, or by Text Message. Emails, Text Messages, or phone calls asking for money or account information are a SCAM.

Donations to Trinity are always welcome, but we want those to be freely given — not coerced! Our campaigns for contributions will be talked about in church services (on-line and live), so you will hear about it directly from Trinity.

Worship Service: December 4, 2022 at 10AM

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


Bulletin for December 4, 2022 Worship Service

Sunday’s almost here! Please join us for Trinity’s 10am Worship Service.

If you cannot attend in-person, our Live Stream is available during the worship service. We also record the services if you would like to watch later.

For a preview of the service, church announcements, and more — read this week’s bulletin.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


2022 Giving Tuesday

GivingTuesday on November 29th will again celebrate the collective power of Presbyterian generosity.

GivingTuesday originally launched in 2012 on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving as a philanthropic response to the consumer-driven holidays of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Here’s how it works!

First, choose the fund(s) you’d like to contribute to. While there are many, we encourage: The Deacon’s Assistance Fund or The Birthday Fund. The Deacon’s Assistance Fund helps to provide financial assistance to individuals and families who are in need. Trinity’s Birthday Fund provides monetary support to those ministries and community organizations with whom we partner in mission.

Second, make an “over-and-above” contribution. We have two ways you can do this.

Check or cash: You can place your check/cash offering in a GivingTuesday envelope available at Trinity. Make checks payable to Trinity Presbyterian Church and mark “GIVINGTUESDAY” in the MEMO. When complete, you may drop it in the offering plate, or drop it off or mail it to the Church Office.
On-line: You can click HERE or on the GivingTuesday image above, select the desired fund, and make payment by either using a credit/debit card or your bank account information.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Worship Service: November 27, 2022 at 10AM

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


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