Worship Service: January 16, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.


Bulletin for January 16, 2022 Worship Service

Sunday’s almost here! Please join us for Trinity’s 10am Worship Service.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.

If you cannot attend in-person, our Live Stream is available during the worship service. We also record the services if you would like to watch later.

For a preview of the service, church announcements, and more — read this week’s bulletin.


Don’t Miss Trinity’s 2022 Epiphany Celebration TODAY!

Join us for Trinity’s 2022 Epiphany Celebration on Sunday, January 9, 2022 from 3-5PM!

You have 3 options to join in the celebration:

1. You can drive to Trinity anytime between 3-5PM on the 9th, stay in your car, drive through the worship experience, and receive your 3 gifts! OR,

2. You can drive to Trinity anytime between 3-5PM on the 9th, park your car, walk through our worship experience, and receive your 3 gifts! OR,

3. You can watch our Epiphany Experience online by clicking HERE (or click any of the images on this page) and pick up your gifts at your convenience from the church office!

We do ask that you bring a gift as well … a non-perishable food donation to donate to the Family Resource Center!

“Arise, shine for your light has come.” Isaiah 60:1

What is Epiphany?
You thought the holidays were over! Technically, no, not until January 6, when Christians all over the world celebrate Epiphany. In some places, the day is known as “Three Kings Day” after the wise men, or Magi (Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar), who, the Bible says, brought the infant gifts and proclaimed Him the Son of God. In other places, the day is known for giving gifts. Maybe you’ve heard of “The Twelve Days of Christmas?” Besides being a catchy or crucifying little ditty, depending on your point of view, the title refers to the period between Christmas Day, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, to Epiphany, when they mark his manifestation— “incarnation,” in some Christian traditions. In fact, the word “epiphany” is drawn from the Greek and means “manifestation.”

We at Trinity look forward to celebrating Epiphany with you!

Worship Service: January 9, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.


Bulletin for January 9, 2022 Worship Service

Sunday’s almost here! Please join us for Trinity’s 10am Worship Service.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.

If you cannot attend in-person, our Live Stream is available during the worship service. We also record the services if you would like to watch later.

For a preview of the service, church announcements, and more — read this week’s bulletin.


Warning: Email account information scam

We’ve been informed of scammers asking for money or account information via email for church staff. For example: “Brooke Tucker”.

Trinity or staff members would NEVER ask you to provide a money or account information via email, over the phone, or by Text Message. Emails, Text Messages, or phone calls asking for money or account information are a SCAM.

Donations to Trinity are always welcome, but we want those to be freely given — not coerced! Our campaigns for contributions will be talked about in church services (on-line and live), so you will hear about it directly from Trinity.

Trinity’s 2022 Epiphany Celebration

Join us for Trinity’s 2022 Epiphany Celebration on Sunday, January 9, 2022 from 3-5PM!

You have 3 options to join in the celebration:

1. You can drive to Trinity anytime between 3-5PM on the 9th, stay in your car, drive through the worship experience, and receive your 3 gifts! OR,

2. You can drive to Trinity anytime between 3-5PM on the 9th, park your car, walk through our worship experience, and receive your 3 gifts! OR,

3. You can watch our Epiphany Experience online and pick up your gifts at your convenience from the church office!

What is Epiphany?
You thought the holidays were over! Technically, no, not until January 6, when Christians all over the world celebrate Epiphany. In some places, the day is known as “Three Kings Day” after the wise men, or Magi (Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar), who, the Bible says, brought the infant gifts and proclaimed Him the Son of God. In other places, the day is known for giving gifts. Maybe you’ve heard of “The Twelve Days of Christmas?” Besides being a catchy or crucifying little ditty, depending on your point of view, the title refers to the period between Christmas Day, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, to Epiphany, when they mark his manifestation— “incarnation,” in some Christian traditions. In fact, the word “epiphany” is drawn from the Greek and means “manifestation.”

We at Trinity look forward to celebrating Epiphany with you!

We do ask that you bring a gift as well … a non-perishable food donation to donate to the Family Resource Center!

Worship Service: January 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Join us for our 10am Worship Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.

The Worship service begins at 10am. The Live Stream will begin at 9:50am.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.


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