One Great Hour of Sharing 2021

Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing — Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People — all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope. Received during the season of Lent, each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) helps to improve the lives of people in these challenging situations. The Offering provides us a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need. In fact, OGHS is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world.

Please share your gift for this special offering. Click the image or HERE to go to Trinity’s donation site. Choose “One Great Hour of Sharing” under the FUND heading.

Live Streaming Worship Service: March 28, 2021

Join us for our LIVE 10AM Worship Service!

Indoor services at Trinity have resumed; however, if you are unable to attend, we hope you will join us on-line. Live worship services begin at 10AM. The live stream will begin at 9:50AM. If you join prior to 9:50AM, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

Click this link (or the image) to view the worship page.


Trinity Times for March 28, 2021

Sunday’s almost here!

Please join us for an Indoor Worship Service at 10AM.

We have on-going pandemic restrictions, but seating registration is no longer required. For ALL the details on what you need to know, visit our Indoor Worship Guide page.

If you prefer to reserve your seat, sign up here.

If you cannot attend in-person, the 10AM Live Streaming Worship Service will also be available as well as recordings if you miss them.

For a preview of the service, the Trinity prayer list, church announcements, and more — read this week’s Trinity Times.


Warning: Email Scam Circulating

There is currently a SCAM circulating via email asking you to purchase a gift card on behalf of Rev Beebe.

Please know that Rev Beebe, nor anyone on Staff, nor any communication from the church (or ANY legitimate plea for help) will ask you to contribute by getting a gift card.

This particular email greets you by name, is (falsely) signed by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Beebe, and includes the address of Trinity Presbyterian. All these things may imply to you that the request is legitimate. IT IS NOT. We do not ask for contributions by gift card. Nor do we ever ask you to do something because “of my busy schedule”.

Please use caution when confronted with these scams. The best approach is to immediately discard a suspicious looking email. That is, if ANYTHING appears suspicious even before you open the email: DELETE it.

If you have already opened the email: DELETE it.

As always, be sure to use virus-scanning software on your computer and keep it up to date. Many virus scanning software products also provide email or email attachment scanning.

Live Streaming Worship Service: March 21, 2021

Join us NOW for our LIVE 10AM Worship Service!

Indoor services at Trinity have resumed; however, if you are unable to attend, we hope you will join us on-line. Live worship services begin at 10AM. The live stream will begin at 9:50AM. If you join prior to 9:50AM, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

Click this link (or the image) to view the worship page.


Trinity Times for March 21, 2021

Sunday’s almost here!

Please join us for an Indoor Worship Service at 10AM.

We have on-going restrictions, but seating registration is no longer required. For ALL the details on what you need to know, visit our Indoor Worship Guide page.

If you prefer to reserve your seat, sign up here.

If you cannot attend in-person, the online Worship service will also be available.

For a preview of the service, the Trinity prayer list, church announcements, and more — read this week’s Trinity Times.


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