Trinity Angel Tree is Ready!

The Trinity Angel Tree will have 40 angels this year. The tree will be located in the entryway opposite the food box near the church office, where the mask table was last spring. Please make sure to be careful and distance yourself six feet from others when you select your angel. Please remember to sign the list with the angel number, your name, and phone number. All angels MUST be returned to the tree by Tuesday, December 15.

There are no names used on angel cards this used this year, just boy or girl and the age. Gift suggestions are there for most of the children, usually several to choose from. Some of the children have asked for very expensive items. Please do not feel obligated to buy these. Buy something you think a child that age will enjoy and that fits your budget.

There are three colors of angels on the tree. The green angels are for children of clients of the Family Life Center. These gifts must be returned unwrapped. You may include wrapping paper. White and red angels are for children in the community who will not have much Christmas or those in the Gilda Blair Food Program. These gifts may be returned wrapped.

If you have questions, please call Carol Corson, 386.237.2522. Thank you in advance for helping making Christmas better for all these children.

–Blessings to all of you,
Carol Corson

Bible Study for November 26, 2020

Join Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe today for Bible Study!

If you’d like to browse through our collection of older Bible Studies, use the Archive at the bottom of this page to find and view them.

This week’s Bible Study video is below.

Bible Study Archive

The Trinity Bible Study Archive is HERE. The archived videos are arranged from “Newest” to “Oldest”. The first Bible Study you encounter in the archive will be the one for the current week. So, you will need to scroll down to find the older Bible Study videos.

You can access the Bible Study Archive anytime from the Trinity Website menu: Online > Online Bible Study.


Seating Reservations for Indoor Worship: November 29, 2020

Sign up for Indoor Worship on November 29, 2020! The worship service begins at 10AM.

Seating is limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Our current capacity is 77 congregants.

Register by following this link or by clicking on the image.

If you are unable to attend, online worship will be available.

Sunday Vespers: November 22, 2020

Please plan to attend the Sunday Vesper service on November 22, 2020. This will be a service of the Word and Sacrament.

This service will be led by Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe. Communion will be served.

We ask that you please remember to be safe and do these things before attending:

  1. Please bring a mask for the protection of your friends and family at Trinity. We may not be always be able to keep a safe social distance during the service, so a mask will help you protect others and provide some protection to yourself.
  2. Please bring a chair for everyone in your group. We will not be able to move chairs in and out of the church and provide the sanitization necessary. You can solve this problem by making sure everyone in your party has a chair.