Trinity’s Pumpkin Patch

Mark your calendars to visit and support Trinity’s Youth!

October 17th-October 31st Trinity Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser.

Saturday, October 24th 4pm to 6pm Pumpkin Decorating at the Patch.

We are selling pumpkins right here at Trinity as a fall fundraiser. Trinity Youth will receive 25% profit from each pumpkin we sell! The patch will be open, October 17th-October 31st 11:30am-7:00pm. We will need families/church members to sign up for time slots to man the patch.

Saturday, October 24th 4pm to 6pm Pumpkin Decorating at the Patch.
Bring your own pumpkin or buy one at the patch. We will have tables set up with everything you need to decorate your pumpkin!

Charity Expo in Mehaffey Hall

Announcing a benefit charity for all Trinity worshipers Sunday, July 26, 2015, 9:00am – 11:30am in Mehaffey Hall (from Sharon Grussing)

Dear Sisters in Faith, Miriam, Rebecca Circles and all other Trinity worshipers!
Some of you may know Sandy Glasner and Sharon Grussing through Rebecca Circle and Trinity Presbyterian Women. Sandy’s daughter and Sharon’s son are married with three children, two of whom were adopted from Guatemala and are now ten and twelve years old. Angela and Matt started a non-profit charity called Nuestros Niños to teach the children in their adoption group service to others and decided to give back to the birth country of most of the children in the group. Through the years the charity has grown and in 2015 they have three week-long service trips (with a different group of participants each week) in the Highlands of Guatemala building homes and fuel-efficient stoves, distributing water filters, flocks of egg-laying hens, warm fleece blankets, shoes and clothing, medical supplies, holding vision clinics, etc. While trip participants pay their own way and in-country costs, there is a lot of money that needs to be raised to help pay for the many programs they have. Selling Guatemalan handicrafts is one of their fundraising efforts, plus it gives jobs to the women in Guatemala who make the items. Please come see the beautiful and interesting items being offered, and feel good about getting some of your Christmas shopping done at the same time!
Who: Nuestros Niños Charity (
What: Please join us for refreshments, see some of the pictures of past service trips to Guatemala, and do some shopping at the same time. It’s never too early to start Christmas shopping, and any proceeds from your purchases will go directly to assist Mayan families living in a level of poverty that is almost impossible for those of us in the United States to comprehend.
When: Sunday, July 26, before and after services from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. during the regular Gathering Time.
Where: Mehaffey Hall at Trinity Presbyterian Church
Even if you do not find that special something for yourself or for a gift, Nuestros Niños has a program where you can make a donation to sponsor a flock of egg-laying hens, a water filter, a fuel-efficient stove, a basket of nutritious food, or contribution toward building a house in the name of someone special and a card will be sent to the person with photographs of similar projects and some information about your gift (or you can elect to have the card given to you so you can present the card personally at the appropriate time). Monetary donations are tax deductible as Nuestros Niños is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (with only volunteer staff!).
The charity sponsors look forward to meeting you and sharing with you what they do. There will be lots of photographs of past service trips.
See you there! 

Meet Trinity’s Family

After one Sunday without coffee and fellowship, the Evangelism and Membership Committee has restored coffee and goodies at “Meet the Trinity Family”. All members, guests, and visitors are invited to join us in Mehaffey Hall for coffee, sweets and get acquainted. From 9:00 till 10:30 we encourage all worshipers to come early, stay late, and turn Trinity’s summer schedule into a gathering time. Help Trinity become a welcoming church during the Summer. From 9:00 – 9:30 it is possible for worshipers from all three services to meet each other. Imagine that!! Give it a try.

Bridge players wanted

Trinity’s Twilight Bridge Group is seeking more, new, eager, or old bridge players of all skill levels to join our friendly group that meets six times, October through April. Couples are a piece of cake, and for singles we will try to find you a partner. Hosting is scheduled once or twice a season with two tables (four couples) per evening. Each two-table evening includes four sets of six hands each. The final award gathering includes a typical Presbyterian pot-luck feast with libations and stories beyond belief. Come join the fun, and help us remember who deals next!! Interested parties should call Bob or Lois Settles, 386 437-4494, or Yerdis Trexler, 386 446-3723.

Ushers needed

Dave Corson is looking for ushers for both traditional services. If you can assist Trinity in this way please contact Dave at 386-446-5833. According to Dave it is not a hard job to do, and if you have not been able to help in others ways, this is a good opportunity to meet folks you may have seen, but do not know. If you are worshiping with us and would like to help out, you need not need to be a member to serve in this way.

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