Worship and Music Committee


The church’s life at Trinity Presbyterian Church is centered in the worship of God in Jesus Christ. Trinity offers three different opportunities to worship each Lord’s Day. We invite you to join us at the service of your choice. You are always welcome.

The 8:15 am service is a traditional worship service.  At 9:30 we offer a Contemporary Worship praise service that is lively and well attended.  The 11:00 am service is a full liturgy traditional service and features the music leadership of the Trinity Chancel Choir.

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at all three services. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated upon request as part of any of the three morning services.

Seasonal services include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday as well as on Christmas eve including a special children’s emphasis service. The Chancel Choir features special music offerings in the spring and Christmas season.

The Worship and Music Committee guides the worship life of Trinity in accordance with the Book of Order.

The Worship portion consists of various committee responsibilities including worship coordination, the Sanctuary Guild, Communion preparation and Communion servers, Lay Readers, Ushers, Contemporary Worship, the sound system and the Children’ Nursery.

The Music portion under guidance of the Director of Music supports the Glory of God through the Chancel Choir, Bell Ringers, Ladies Ensemble, Gioioso (Joy-o-so) and the Children’s choirs.

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