Details for Return to Worship November 8, 2020
We can finally worship together again! BUT — the COVID-19 threat is still with us, so Trinity is cautiously opening to protect our community. To help you prepare and be more informed before you arrive, please review the FIVE items below:

You’ll need to pre-register for seating because our capacity is limited. Register BEFORE Sunday by clicking the link
HERE or the image to the left.
You’ll be taken to an external website that we use to tabulate the seating and help us with planning.

If you want a bulletin to follow along during the service, please print and bring your own. You can find the early on-line copy of this week’s bulletin (for November 8th) by clicking
HERE or by clicking the image to the left.
You may also choose to use your mobile device to follow along during the service. Connect to Trinity’s WiFi. The SSID is “TPC_AP” and the password is “God3in1@”.

Trinity leadership has created an informational “Welcome Back” letter. It has lots of details on the opening that you need to know before coming to church on Sunday. Click
HERE or the image to the left to read the “Welcome Back” letter.

Finally, as we wrap up this year’s Stewardship campaign, you’re welcome to drop off your pledge card at the church on Sunday or mail it in. If you’ve lost or misplaced yours, we’re providing the pledge card on-line. To print a new pledge card, click
HERE or the image to the left.