
By special request, friends of Trinity have asked for an opportunity to support our mission by making donations online through the website. Trinity is happy to offer this option, as many churches do, using Pay Pal. Guests and friends of the church may begin this simple process by clicking the following button.  When asked for the email of the party receiving the donation, enter  You may copy and paste this email address at Trinity Presbyterian Church.  This is the only church office that will know of, and account for your your contribution.

This opportunity is in addition to our annual fund raising campaign. It is not intended for members and friends who have made annual pledges. Many of our members fulfill their pledges through visiting their banks to set up one-time or regular payments to the church. The bank then prints checks which are sent to the church as scheduled. This is a free service to the member and the church. Pay Pal, by contrast, charges the church 3% when these funds are withdrawn. For this reason, if members choose to use this option, we ask that they add 3% to their contribution.

Trinity thanks all our supporters for their generous contributions.

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