Elders and Deacons at Trinity Presbyterian

Congregational leadership is an important area of service in the church. Each year, members of Trinity Presbyterian Church are called by the congregation to exercise a ministry of leadership within the church as Elders and Deacons. These are distinctive leadership roles, calling for particular gifts and commitment.

The Congregation Nominating Committee (CNC) is now seeking names to consider for nomination for service as Elders and Deacons. The CNC asks the congregation to suggest the names of persons who have been regular in worship, active in the life of Trinity Presbyterian Church, generous in support of our ministry and faithful in their life and witness to the gospel.

All nominations will be considered by the CNC, which is made up of board members from the Elders and Deacons as well as at-large members of the congregation. We will call nominated candidates for an in-depth, meaningful discussion of any position suggested. The ultimate slate of officers will be set by the CNC to be presented at the annual meeting or at another designated congregational meeting.


The Session is the governing body of the congregation. It currently consists of two classes of six Elders for a total of 12. Each Elder serves a 2-year term and may serve a maximum of six consecutive years (3 consecutive terms).

The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Book of Order describes the office as follows:

Elders should be persons of faith, dedication and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world. It is the duty of elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. Together with the pastor, they should encourage the people in the worship and service of God, equip and renew them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world, visit and comfort and care for the people, with special attention to the poor, the sick, the lonely and those who are oppressed.

As a member of the governing body, Elders are, in general, expected to accept a role as a committee chair or co-chair during their service. The specific committee chaired by an Elder is agreed upon after discussion. Beyond the duties of the assigned committee an Elder will be expected to attend one meeting of the Session each month.

Click HERE to see Trinity’s current Session.


The Board of Deacons consists of two classes of eight Deacons for a total of 16. Identical to the Elder terms, each Deacon serves a 2-year term and may serve a maximum of six consecutive years (3 consecutive terms).

Deacons undertake ministries of care and compassion within and beyond the congregation. Some of the responsibilities of this office are to care for a flock of members throughout the year.

The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Book of Order describes the office as follows:

The office of deacon asset forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office. It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them, from time to time, by the session, such as leading the people in worship through prayers of intercession, reading the Scriptures, presenting the gifts of the people and assisting with the Lord’s Supper.

As a member of the Board of Deacons, each Deacon will be assigned a subset of the congregation to be tended by the Deacon as their ‘flock’. The main responsibility is to contact each of the families at least once per month. Deacons use a variety of means to make this contact: in-person at church, phone call, greeting card, etc. Beyond their responsibilities for their flock, Deacons are expected to attend one Board of Deacons meeting per month.

Click HERE to see Trinity’s current Board of Deacons.

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