Trinity Presbyterian Church
Online Worship Service
for January 31, 2021 – Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church’s online worship service!
If you prefer, you can view this service on our Worship Service Player. In the player, the service plays from start to finish without interruption. To try that version of the worship service, click HERE.
Trinity has returned to Indoor Worship at 10AM on Sundays. Seating is limited and reservations are suggested but not required. To help set your expectations, please read our Guide to Indoor Worship.
The Per Capita contribution this year is $9 for each adult or confirmed member in your household. Please use the special “per capita” envelope that came with your offering envelopes or simply write “per capita” on the memo line of your check. If you contribute through the on-line giving site (in the offering section at the end of the service), you can choose the “Per Capita” fund.
The Presbyteries, Synods, and General Assembly of our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) annually make assessments that total $8.98 per active member. Our session is committed to paying the full assessment ($3,547.10) for all the members on our roll because we value our Presbyterian heritage and identity. As a congregation, we derive many material benefits from our Presbyterian association. At the General Assembly level, these include the oversight of preparation for ministers and the mechanisms for calling new ministers, the maintenance of the wonderful Presbyterian historical collection in Philadelphia, the biennial meeting of the General Assembly, resources ranging from training for ruling elders to building connections with ecumenical partners around the world, and so much more. But it is not these benefits alone that make us so deeply committed to the per capita offering. It is our shared sense of our Reformed heritage and our Presbyterian identity that compels us to take our covenantal relationship with the whole Presbyterian family so seriously. Thanks in advance for your generous support!
Trinity’s Bible Study is available online. Visit our website or Facebook page to view a video from Rev. Beebe whenever it is convenient for you. You can also ‘catch-up’ anytime at the Bible Study archive. To be included in our weekly email, simply subscribe to the website or join our Facebook group. Links to subscribe and join are at the bottom of our webpage.
Briefly, a word concerning the technical presentation of this service. If you are having difficulty reading the words, look for your web browser’s “Zoom” settings. The keystrokes are typically ‘Ctrl-Shift-+’ to increase the zoom or ‘Ctrl-Shift-(minus)’ to decrease the zoom. Other devices may have a different mechanism (‘finger pinch’), but most support zoom.
Although you could not be with us in-person today, we hope you will have a meaningful Sunday worship experience!
This week’s bulletin is available at any time by clicking this link. The bulletin will open in a separate tab or window.
The order of service on this page closely follows the bulletin, but there are additional items in the bulletin that may be of interest to you and that are not included on this page.
Today’s service contains:
- Prelude “His Strength is Perfect”
- Call to Worship
- Prayer of the Day
- Hymn #405 “Praise God for This Holy Ground”
- Prayer of Confession
- Declaration of Forgiveness
- Anthem “Be Thou My Vision”
- Moments with Children
- Affirmation of Faith
- Prayers of the People
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Old Testament Reading
- Responsive Reading
- Hymn #519 “You Are My Strength When I am Weak”
- Gospel Lesson
- Meditation “Merciful and Gracious”
- Sending
- Congregational Response (Hymn #306)
- Offering
- Postlude “He Will Carry You”
Prelude “His Strength is Perfect”
Call to Worship
Prayer of the Day
Sally Smeaton, lay reader.
Hymn #405 “Praise God for This Holy Ground” (v.1,2,4)
1 Praise God for this holy ground, place and people, sight and sound. [Refrain]
Refrain Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God’s goodness is eternal.
2 Praise God in whose word we find food for body, soul, and mind. [Refrain]
4 Praise God’s Spirit who befriends, raises, humbles, breaks, and mends. [Refrain]
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Forgiveness
Anthem “Be Thou My Vision”
(Left to right) Laurie Harrison, Kathy Link, Rosie Brown, Judy Hennenlotter, Joyce Lewis, and Liz Monaco. Directed by Lillian Warner.
arr. Warner
Moments with Children
Brooke Tucker, Director of Faith Formation.
Affirmation of Faith
Sally Smeaton, lay reader.
Apostle’s Creed
Prayers of the People
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Old Testament Reading
Responsive Reading
Hymn #519 “You Are My Strength When I Am Weak”
Barbara Davis, Kathy Link, Julie Pearson, Judith Spurrell, Lillian Warner, and Bob Wright. Accompanied by Jillian Koenig (flutist) and Heasuk Che (pianist).
Gospel Lesson
Meditation “Merciful and Gracious”
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe
Congregational Response
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
Please continue to give your offering.
You can click the image to the right or this link to give online now. At the online Giving site, select “2020 Pledge” as the Fund to fulfill your 2020 pledge or use another fund if you’re directing your gift elsewhere. Note, the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution via online giving. Increasing your gift would help cover the cost of processing and would be greatly appreciated.
If you’d like to see alternatives to online giving, please take a look at our Contribute page.
Postlude “He Will Carry You”
The Service has Ended
May the Peace of Christ be with you!
Thank you for joining us online! We hope you will join us again as long as we need to be apart. We pray for the day when we can all meet again and worship God in the sanctuary and Trinity Presbyterian Church.