Trinity Reusable Masks FAQ

Trinity Reusable Masks Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: How do I get a mask??!?!?!


Q2: Can I get my mask NOW?!!?


Q3: How many masks can I get?


Q4: How long will it take for my request to be filled?


Q5: Where to I go to get my masks?


Q6: Are you making these masks for essential workers that need them?


Q7: How are these masks made? Are they safe?


Q8: When do I need to wear these masks?


Q9: How do I care for the mask?


Q10: Do the masks cost anything? Who’s paying for this?



Q1: How do I get a mask??!?!?!

Contact Laurie directly for specific requests by text. Check the church directory to find Laurie Harrison.


Q2: Can I get my mask NOW?!!?

The Sisters are stitching away feverishly, only stopping for tea and crumpets. You can just “stop by” the church if you’re nearby (office hours are Monday – Thursday 9:00a.m. to Noon). Check the box inside the door for any unmarked masks and you can take one. Please don’t take the masks labeled with names. To be sure a mask will be at the church ready for you or if you need more than one, text a request to Laurie any day of the week.


Q3: How many masks can I get?

The PW Trinity Sisters in Stitches are offering ONE mask for each person in the Trinity Presbyterian congregation (member or friend of the church).


Q4: How long will it take for my request to be filled?

Deliveries to the church are Monday mornings and Thursday mornings. Turnaround time for requests should be 4 days. Requests through Thursday will be filled for pickup the next week starting on Monday. For example, if you text Laurie by Thursday, there should be a mask for you at the church office by the Monday morning delivery. If your request gets to Laurie by Monday, your mask should be ready by the Thursday delivery. If there’s a problem, Laurie will text you back (the advantage of requesting by text).


Q5: Where to I go to get my masks?

Masks will be at the church office Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon (not Friday, not Saturday, and not even Sunday — yeah, weird huh?). The office closes PROMPTLY at Noon. They will be available for pickup just inside the church office door. Please respect social-distancing to church staff especially Dana who will be at the office to help with distribution. You should be able to just open the church office exterior door and turn to the left to find your mask on a box on the table. If at all possible, do not move around other places in the church.


Q6: Are you making these masks for essential workers that need them?

We have supplied masks for nursing homes, the Flagler free clinic, doctor’s offices, physical therapists, the post office, the Police department, Fire department and Publix; however, please note these are NOT medical masks. The N-95, surgical, and other medical masks should be reserved for medical workers that need them. Please do NOT go on Amazon or other retailers and buy medical masks unless you are a medical worker providing services to COVID-19 patients.


Q7: How are these masks made? Are they safe?

Trinity Sisters in Stitches are making 100% washable and reusable cotton cloth masks. They are made from a double layer of material which may offer more protection against viruses and bacteria. The masks have elastic ear loops, a wire nose piece embedded in the seam, and a pocket for housing a paper coffee filter. The paper coffee filter can be removed and discarded after the mask is used. A fresh (unused) coffee filter should be inserted after washing and drying the mask. Wash, wear, and reuse the mask, do not discard it.

The mask is an additive layer of protection intended to be used in conjunction with social distancing (when possible) and frequent hand washing. Avoid touching the mask. Wash your hands with soap and water after you remove the mask. Wear the mask over your nose and mouth. If possible, wash the masks daily. Wash in hot or cold water (as you wish) with an appropriate amount of detergent for your washing load.


Q8: When do I need to wear these masks?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is recommending people use these type of masks to cover their faces anytime you are out in public places. Transmission by interacting with someone by just talking is possible. Remember, many individuals identified as infected with the coronavirus have shown NO signs of illness and are unaware they could be transmitting the disease to others.

N-95, surgical, and other medical masks should be reserved for medical professionals serving COVID-19 patients.

Some people may be affected by skin irritation after long term use of the masks. If your skin is easily irritated, you may want to apply a thin layer of face lotion to your face ten minutes before wearing the mask.


Q9: How do I care for the mask?

The masks have been washed once, but we recommend you wash the mask before wearing it the first time. It should be safe to wash with your other like-colored clothing. After that, the care and washing is up to you. If you go out every day, you probably want to wash it more often (three times a week at a minimum). Stay up with the latest news on COVID-19 since these guidelines may change.

In-between washings, you can spray the mask front and back with a minimum 70% alcohol liquid (rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle), let it dry and then wear it out again. There’s not a lot of clinical data on the efficacy of cleaning masks but Duke University uses vaporized hydrogen peroxide to clean N95 face masks for reuse.


Q10: Do the masks cost anything? Who’s paying for this?

The Presbyterian Women are making the masks available to you FREE of CHARGE; however, if you would like to help defray the costs of making the masks, the PW will gladly take your donation. The simplest thing for you to do right now is donate online. You can click: Donate NOW. Pick the “Unpledged General Funds” and please be sure to contact the church Finance Secretary to tell her you’d like the gift to go to Presbyterian Women. An easy way to do that is to forward your gift’s email receipt to the Financial Secretary.

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