Envelope Making Workshop Rescheduled Due to Eta!

The Envelope Making Workshop scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 2020 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 24, 2020. As we looked at the Tropical Storm Watch for Wednesday, November 11, 2020, and the day of the workshop, we wanted to err on the side of caution and not have our members out in potentially dangerous winds or an abundance of rain. Please check your calendars and see it the new date works for you.

Call the church office at 386-445-4757 to add your name to the list of participants at one of our three sessions. The sessions are 9-10:30, 11-12:30, and 1-2:30. We will still be wearing our masks and social distancing with sanitizing between sessions and/or participants.

The Stewardship Committee and Presbyterian Women are sponsoring the workshop. Our purpose is to provide an event where we can have fellowship safely and to assist us in becoming responsible stewards of our gifts, both talents and money. The product of the event will be the offering envelopes for the members and friends of Trinity Presbyterian for next calendar year.

Thanks for understanding the need for the change and see you November 24, 2020.

1Yes, “Ηη” are the majuscule and minuscule Greek letters for “Eta”

Bible Study for November 13, 2020

Join Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe today for Bible Study!

If you’d like to browse through our collection of older Bible Studies, use the Archive at the bottom of this page to find and view them.

This week’s Bible Study video is below.

Bible Study Archive

The Trinity Bible Study Archive is HERE. The archived videos are arranged from “Newest” to “Oldest”. The first Bible Study you encounter in the archive will be the one for the current week. So, you will need to scroll down to find the older Bible Study videos.

You can access the Bible Study Archive anytime from the Trinity Website menu: Online > Online Bible Study.


Seating Reservations for Indoor Worship: November 15, 2020

Sign up for Indoor Worship on November 15, 2020! The worship service begins at 10AM.

Seating is limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Our current capacity is 77 congregants.

Register by following this link or by clicking on the image.

If you are unable to attend, online worship will be available.

Trinity Bulletin for: November 8, 2020

Sunday’s almost here!

Please join us for our first INDOOR Worship Service at 10AM since the beginning of the 2020 Pandemic!

The are several things you need to know: REGISTER for seating, bring masks, bring a bulletin. For ALL the details, visit this DETAILS page.

If you cannot attend in-person, the online Worship service will also be available.

For a preview of the service, the Trinity prayer list, church announcements, and more read this week’s bulletin.


Pre-flight Instruction added to Indoor Worship Details

We added a video to the Details page that describes everything you need to know about returning to Indoor worship on November 8, 2020. So, raise your seat-back, grab the instruction card from the seat-pocket in front of you, and watch Brooke’s “Pre-flight Instructions”!

Bible Study for November 5, 2020

Join Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe today for Bible Study!

If you’d like to browse through our collection of older Bible Studies, use the Archive at the bottom of this page to find and view them.

This week’s Bible Study video is below.

Bible Study Archive

The Trinity Bible Study Archive is HERE. The archived videos are arranged from “Newest” to “Oldest”. The first Bible Study you encounter in the archive will be the one for the current week. So, you will need to scroll down to find the older Bible Study videos.

You can access the Bible Study Archive anytime from the Trinity Website menu: Online > Online Bible Study.


Register for Indoor Worship Services on November 8

Beginning on Sunday, November 8th, we will return indoors at 10AM for Worship.

Seating is limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained between family-units. Our current capacity is for 77 congregants.

Please PRE-REGISTER for seating on November 8th by following this link or by clicking on the image of the church.

Bible Study for November 2, 2020

Join Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe today for Bible Study!

If you’d like to browse through our collection of older Bible Studies, use the Archive at the bottom of this page to find and view them.

This week’s Bible Study video is below.

Bible Study Archive

The Trinity Bible Study Archive is HERE. The archived videos are arranged from “Newest” to “Oldest”. The first Bible Study you encounter in the archive will be the one for the current week. So, you will need to scroll down to find the older Bible Study videos.

You can access the Bible Study Archive anytime from the Trinity Website menu: Online > Online Bible Study.


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