Bridge players wanted

Trinity’s Twilight Bridge Group is seeking more, new, eager, or old bridge players of all skill levels to join our friendly group that meets six times, October through April. Couples are a piece of cake, and for singles we will try to find you a partner. Hosting is scheduled once or twice a season with two tables (four couples) per evening. Each two-table evening includes four sets of six hands each. The final award gathering includes a typical Presbyterian pot-luck feast with libations and stories beyond belief. Come join the fun, and help us remember who deals next!! Interested parties should call Bob or Lois Settles, 386 437-4494, or Yerdis Trexler, 386 446-3723.

Ushers needed

Dave Corson is looking for ushers for both traditional services. If you can assist Trinity in this way please contact Dave at 386-446-5833. According to Dave it is not a hard job to do, and if you have not been able to help in others ways, this is a good opportunity to meet folks you may have seen, but do not know. If you are worshiping with us and would like to help out, you need not need to be a member to serve in this way.

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