SAM’s March Meeting

Coming to Mehaffey Hall, Friday March 28, 12:30pm:  Come break bread (soup, sandwich, bring a salad or dessert to share) and circumnavigate the Sea of Galilea, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Jordan River, plus miscellaneous short subjects in pictures.  Young and old alike are invited to visit SAM’s March meeting and enjoy the Settles’ pictures of the Holy Land.  Mark your calendar now and plan to attend.  Bring yourself and a friend.  Please call Queenester Jones if you plan to attend at 386 445-0454.


Annual Spaghetti Supper

Mark your calendars & Get your tickets soon!!!

Trinity’s Senior High Youth

have a great show planned for the

Annual Spaghetti Supper

Sunday, March 16, 2014

5 P.M.

Mehaffey Hall


Get your tickets early! You don’t want to miss this!

Look for a list of items to be auctioned off at the Spaghetti Dinner which should be available in the narthex shortly.


Tickets are limited and sell out quickly for this fun-filled Dinner-Show with Auction, so be in the narthex between services and just look for the “Spaghetti Dinner Table”!

Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper

Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper


On Wednesday, March 5, at 5:00 p.m. in Mehaffey Hall, there will be a pancake supper to benefit the Camp Montgomery Summer Camperships for Trinity youth.  Come and enjoy pancakes and fellowship “before” and/or “after” the Ash Wednesday Services. Services will be Traditional at 4:30 PM and Contemporary at 6:00 PM.


Sunday January 26 worship at Trinity

Sunday, January 26 worship at Trinity Presbyterian Church

On Sunday January 26 there will be only one worship service at Trinity at 10:00am.  SSChildrenClipartFollowing the worship service we will hold our annual meeting, distribute an annual report for 2013, approve a budget, and install new officers.

There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, January 26thHowever, we will be having Children’s Church.  The children will come to church with their parents and be dismissed after the Children’s Sermon, just like they are dismissed to Sunday School from the Contemporary Service.  Patsy Moden and her assistants will take the children to the Sunday School area and lead them in worship all their own.  Parents may pick up their children after the Annual Meeting.

Deacons’ 2014 Retreat

Deacons’ Retreat in the Planning Stages

A retreat for newly installed deacons, current deacons, and former deacons is being planned for Camp Montgomery in February 2014.  The details follow:

Why a retreat?  To foster a sense of family among the deacons and to create an experience that deepens our faith and understanding of our purpose in service to our congregation.

Where:   Montgomery Presbyterian Center (88 SE 75th St., Stark, FL  32091). 352-473-4516.

When:   6:00pm Friday, February 7, 2014 through  Saturday 4:00pm.

Cost: $85.00 per person, including over-night at Montgomery  with three meals.

Program:  Currently being planned for new, current, and former deacons.

For all further information, questions and concerns:


Marge Click
386 439-5886


Judy Murgitroyde
386 585-4908

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