Once again, we’re asking you for videos of YOU offering the “Peace of Christ” or response or BOTH!
If you’re happy with a prior submission, then you don’t need to do anything. We’ll use your original submission. If you’d like to update it, that’s fine too!
If you’ve never participated, here’s how …
How to make a Passing of the Peace video
Step 1) Using your smartphone, PC, or Mac camera take a “selfie” video and say either:
“And also with you!”
You can say BOTH, but please record them as separate videos.
Make sure your video is only a few seconds long (i.e. don’t depart from the script!). Also, holding your phone sideways (landscape) works better for this project.
Being creative is fine! Making it with two or more people (e.g. family) is fine too!
Step 2) Send the video in an email to this address: PassThePeace@TrinityPalmCoast.org (you might want to right-click “Open Link in New Window”)
There — you’re done! Now, just give is a little time. We’ll jumble them all together into a “Passing of the Peace” segment in a future worship service.
Sending us this video, of course, is explicit permission by you to share your image with everyone else’s in a video montage for our Sunday morning online worship services. We figured you know that, but we had to make it clear.