2024 Nominations for Elder and Deacon

The Trinity Presbyterian Nominating Committee Needs YOU!

If you know someone you believe would make a great Elder or Deacon, please take a look at the Nomination Form. Page one of the form describes the role of Elder and Deacon. In short, Elders comprise the Session which is the governing body of local Presbyterian churches. Deacons take the lead in ministries of care and compassion within and external to the local church community.

If you wish, you may print page two, complete and return the form. Or you may also use our Online Nomination Form.

Deadline for submission is: September 29, 2024.

Scam Alert: Trinity Directory password phishing

Please don’t respond to anyone asking for Trinity’s Directory password by email or text.

Trinity members needing the Directory password can contact the Trinity office directly.

There have been several cases today of FRAUDULENT text or email messages masquerading as Trinity members asking for the Trinity Directory password. Your best response is NO response. In each case, the person asking for the password was NOT the Trinity member — it was a fraudster.

If you responded and provided the password to someone via text or email, please contact the office. We will need to take a security action.

Souper Bowl Sunday 2024

Souper Bowl Sunday 2024 is this Sunday!

We are excited and looking forward to a fun day of giving and fellowship and are also excited to help the Care Cupboard and Soul Café at UMC Bunnell with funding and food.

We ask you to bring in one food item and $1 (minimum — you can bring more than one if you would like) to worship this Sunday morning. The Care Cupboard is happy to accept all non-perishable food items but are most in need of: Peanut butter, Spaghetti sauce, Instant potatoes, Rice, Stuffing, Chef Boyardee cans with flip top lids-like SpaghettiOs or Raviolis.

Immediately following worship, we invite everyone to Mehaffey Hall for our 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff!

We have 10 contestants who will be bringing their favorite chili recipe! At the conclusion of worship, you will enter Mehaffey Hall and have a seat at one of the round tables set up.

The round tables will have one bowl (one bowl per table) of each of the chili contestant’s chili, paper for taking notes, tasting cups and spoons, chili condiments (cheese, sour cream and crackers) and drinks.

Then all you have to do is sit and begin to sample all the chilis, making notes on your chili voting sheets before deciding on your favorite. You will then take your voting ticket and place in the corresponding cup with the number of your favorite chili.

Once everyone has gotten a chance to vote, we will count up the votes, and crown our champion!

After the voting concludes you will be able to get bowls of your favorite chili, eat, fellowship and enjoy football themed table games.

Thank you so much for helping make this a fun day for our congregation. ♥️

The Faith Formation Committee

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