Bridge anybody?

Trinity’s bridge group is looking for a few good men, – and women, couples even.  We meet monthly from October through April each year.  Then we celebrate the end of another successful season with a Presbyterian party and unexpected prizes.  Interested individuals, men, women, and couples should call Bob or Lois Settles at 386 437-4494.  Get in on the ground floor with an opening bid, – two no-trump!  Remember who dealt the cards last?

PCUSA says THANKS to Trinity

Bryce Wiebe, the Director, Special Offerings at PCUSA has developed a special thank you web page for Trinity’s gift to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog which helps expand the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s witness to God’s gracious and abundant work in the world. This generous support feeds the hungry, comforts the brokenhearted and shares God’s love with young and old around the world.  You may view this PCUSA thank you page designed specifically for Trinity by clicking the following link:

New membership information form

On April 10, Trinity’s Session added the use of a paperless Membership Information Form for those with internet access.  This streamlines the original process,- which required finding the proper paper form or forms (one for each prospective member), completing the forms, and returning these completed forms to the appropriate folks in the church.  As with all handwriting, the forms often required some interpretation, extrapolation, or pure guesses as to what was intended.  The new form(s) are completed at home through the website (Membership menu, Membership information form online), and the information is typed into the keyboard by an individual who may proof his own work.  When each form is completed, – pressing the SUBMIT button automatically distributes the information to our pastor, the Clerk of the Session, the Membership Committee, and Trinity’s office staff.  This new process is available to all individuals with an email address, OR to anyone without an email address who can find a friend with a computer or a cellphone.  Transmission and distribution of the information is perfectly legible, and may require a few nano-seconds to deliver to Trinity’s several recipients.

Many Thanks!!

HolyCow! Congregational Assessment Tool


Thank you for completing the CAT survey for the church.  The deadline for additional submissions has passed.  All completed assessments are being tabulated and analyzed now.   Our church leadership will be given the results very soon, and be presented to the congregation in the near future.


Watch out for some new projects being introduced as a result of the C.A.T.

Last week for the C.A.T.


Take the church wide Survey

You have been invited to take the HolyCow! Congregational  Assessment Tool, or C.A.T. as we like to call it.  Trinity Presbyterian Church needs your participation to discover where we stand now and what direction might be important in our future.

The assessment will take about 35 minutes and needs to be completed in one sitting.  If you have already completed the CAT assessment , thank you, if you have not…

When you are ready, click on this

 blue link and begin!

 Many thanks, TPC Visioning Committee –

Pastor RonWatson, Ross Royce, Del Smith, Tracy Martin

Please contact any one of us if you have a question.

Please complete the C.A.T. !

You have been invited to take the HolyCow! Congregational  Assessment Tool, …. or C.A.T. as we like to call it.  Our church needs your participation to discover where we stand now and what direction might be important in our future.

If you have already completed the CAT assessment , thank you, if you have not…


If there is only one email address for all members of your household, it may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family.  However, please be sure your spouse and all young adults living in your home have an opportunity to complete the survey.  INDIVIDUAL INPUT is key to our gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences.

There is one section where only one person in the household needs to answer.  Please make sure you do not submit the same info if your spouse has already answered.

Please set aside enough time to answer all of the questions.  You cannot stop and send in the survey without it being completed.  This will take about 35 minutes. 

When you complete the final question, be sure to click the “SUBMIT ” Button.  you should receive a “Thank you” response.

All assessment responses are strictly anonymous.

Thank you for your willingness to be part of this congregational assessment and for helping to build the future of Trinity Presbyterian Church.



Please complete the C.A.T. !

You have been invited to take the HolyCow! Congregational  Assessment Tool, …. or C.A.T. as we like to call it.  Our church needs your participation to discover where we stand now and what direction might be important in our future.

If you have already completed the CAT assessment , thank you, if you have not…


If there is only one email address for all members of your household, it may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family.  However, please be sure your spouse and all young adults living in your home have an opportunity to complete the survey.  INDIVIDUAL INPUT is key to our gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences.

There is one section where only one person in the household needs to answer.  Please make sure you do not submit the same info if your spouse has already answered.

Please set aside enough time to answer all of the questions.  You cannot stop and send in the survey without it being completed.  This will take about 35 minutes. 

When you complete the final question, be sure to click the “SUBMIT ” Button.  you should receive a “Thank you” response.

All assessment responses are strictly anonymous.

Thank you for your willingness to be part of this congregational assessment and for helping to build the future of Trinity Presbyterian Church.



Name tag dilemma

Those of you who have been attentive to the new name tags and name tag racks have noticed that the vinyl name tag holders do not sit properly in the racks for long.  Even vertically they still become so pliable that they eventually face the floor or fall out of the racks completely.  A solution is in the works, and with luck will correct the problem before this Sunday’s congregational meeting at 10:00am.  You will no longer be required to tilt your head either left or right to read your name tag, as the tags will sit normally in the racks as they should.  Your patience while finding this final-vinyl solution is appreciated.    Membership committee

Name tag racks in the narthex

Trinity’s three new name tag racks have all been placed in the narthex.  The left rack (1) in the narthex is for the early service.  The right rack (2) is for the contemporary service, and the middle rack (3) is for the late service.  Each four-sided rack revolves and is color coded (red, green, blue, pink) to help you remember which side you placed your name tag on.  Feel free to use the appropriate new rack to store your old name tags.  When the new name tags are available, hopefully Sunday January 8, each of you may replace your old name tag with the new one.

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