Mortgage update March 14, 2016

This week-4 update shows we are 75% to our goal of matching the generous anonymous donor’s offer.  The average donation to date is just over $300.00 per contribution.  At that rate we will require 32 additional contributions in addition to the 101 we have received to date.  With two more Sunday’s to go the goal is well within reach.  There is, of course, no reason to limit our contributions to this magic figure.


Meet Trinity’s Family

After one Sunday without coffee and fellowship, the Evangelism and Membership Committee has restored coffee and goodies at “Meet the Trinity Family”. All members, guests, and visitors are invited to join us in Mehaffey Hall for coffee, sweets and get acquainted. From 9:00 till 10:30 we encourage all worshipers to come early, stay late, and turn Trinity’s summer schedule into a gathering time. Help Trinity become a welcoming church during the Summer. From 9:00 – 9:30 it is possible for worshipers from all three services to meet each other. Imagine that!! Give it a try.

Ushers needed

Dave Corson is looking for ushers for both traditional services. If you can assist Trinity in this way please contact Dave at 386-446-5833. According to Dave it is not a hard job to do, and if you have not been able to help in others ways, this is a good opportunity to meet folks you may have seen, but do not know. If you are worshiping with us and would like to help out, you need not need to be a member to serve in this way.

Trinity session declares May wills month

TPC Session Declares the Month of May, 2014 as Wills Emphasis Month


The Session has declared May, 2014 as Wills Emphasis Month and Wills Emphasis Sunday will be observed on May 18.


“Presbyterians are a generous and thoughtful people.  Throughout their lives, Presbyterians feel the call to support their church, specific programs, missions and ministries.  In fact, good Christian stewardship is a hallmark of the Presbyterian faith.  Stewardship is defined by Presbyterians as: “The people of God manage God’s gifts responsibly and seek to make proper use of the good gifts of God’s creation.”  – Presbyterian Handbook


Presbyterians believe that God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and also can call us to various forms of work and service so we can live out our discipleship in the world.  Our service is in our homes, our towns and our churches – these are all callings through which God is glorified.  Our calling to be good stewards of His gifts inspires us to reach into our pockets and share our financial blessings.  We tithe knowing that we have been given much and that through our weekly gifts God’s work is able to continue in our church, local community and around the world.  Despite faithful stewardship during our lifetime, many times we fail to think about extending our support thereafter.


Why is there such a hesitation to create a legacy of faith with a bequest that will provide support to a church beyond the member’s lifetime?  It is not as though any of us thinks that we can “take it with us.”  We plan our wills to provide for a spouse, children, grandchildren.  But what about leaving a legacy to those causes we have supported so faithfully during our lifetimes?”


We share this message to you from the Presbyterian Foundation which we are closely allied with through our gifts and offerings, our invested funds, support that they provide to our programs and outreach and our common commitment to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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