Worship in Mehaffey & Office Closure

Roof, stucco and mold remediation work have started! We will be in Mehaffey Hall for worship on Sunday, November 13th.

Also, due to the coming storm, our staff will be working from home for the rest of the week, and the church office will be closed.

Please stay safe, and we will see you on Sunday morning, either in Mehaffey Hall or through our Live Stream.

Have you returned your pledge card for 2023?

So far we received 69 pledges for the 2023 Annual Budget. Last year we had a total of 106 pledges. If you have not yet returned your pledge, please do so as soon as possible so that Session can plan our budget.

You can mail your pledge card or place it in the offering at worship.

If you lost your pledge card, you can stop by the church office to pick one up or CLICK HERE (or the image) to pop up a PDF and print it yourself.

All Saints Service: November 1, 2022 at 5:30PM

Join us for our 5:30 p.m. All Saints Service! If you are unable to attend in-person, we hope you will join us on-line.

The service begins at 5:30pm. The Live Stream will begin at 5:20pm.

If you connect early, you’ll see our countdown to the live stream.

The use of face masks is optional, but we recommend the use of face masks while indoors for those who are not fully vaccinated, are immunocompromised, or unable to be vaccinated due to health concerns.


Reminder: 2023 Pledge Cards!

2023 Annual Budget Campaign and Building Campaign

This Sunday is Commitment Sunday — during worship on Sunday, October 23, 2022 we will dedicate our gifts to Trinity. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to share the many gifts God has given you.

Bring (or mail) your pledge card for the 2023 Annual Budget Campaign, as well as your pledge card for the Building Campaign, to Trinity for this dedication.

If you lost your pledge card, you can stop by the church office to pick one up or CLICK HERE (or the image) to pop up a PDF and print it yourself.

2022 October Events

Happy Fall! We have lots going at Trinity in October for you to be a part of!

We need help setting up our pumpkin patch! Our pumpkins are being delivered this Saturday at 3pm. Please bring a wheel barrel or gloves if you have them.

We also need help selling our pumpkins. It’s easy! You sit and people give you money for pumpkins. Remember all our profits go to support our youth programs! Click HERE to volunteer.

We also will be hosting Trinity’s Annual Trunk or Treat on Monday October 31st from 5-7pm in our front parking lot. We need you and your decorated trunk to help create a safe, family environment for our community kids to trick or treat in. Decorate your trunk, park your car in the front lot no later than 4:50pm, bring enough candy for 120 kids, and then sit back and enjoy the smiles on kids faces as you bring joy to their families! You will be able to pack up and leave at 7pm. Click HERE to sign up or you can call the church office to let us know to expect you and your trunk!

Lastly, we will have an Outdoor Movie in our pumpkin patch Saturday October 22nd from 7-9pm. We will be showing the movie Family Camp (Rated PG). We will supply the movie, drinks and popcorn, you bring a blanket or chair! If rained-out we will move into the fellowship hall — the show must go on!

Hope to see you take part in all our fall fun and community outreach! Let’s be the church that these families and our community needs! Blessings!

Register now! 2022 Women’s Retreat

Register now for our Fall Retreat on October 8th from 8:30am – 2:15pm. The featured speaker is Snowden McFall. She will speak and then lead us in an afternoon workshop. The cost is $30 and includes breakfast and lunch.

Click HERE or on the image for more information and registration.

Get inspired about what God has designed for our next chapter! Please extend this invitation to your friends, relatives, and ladies involved with your other social groups. Ask them to join us at Trinity for a day sure to be inspiring.

Let’s all take a day to focus on ourselves!!

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