Come join us, and mark the following dates and times on your calendar.
FRIDAY, Feb.05,2016, 12 noon, for an afternoon of fun and games
and door prizes. Soup and Sandwich Lunch and Beverages included.
If you like bring a Dessert to Share.
FRIDAY, March 04, 2016. 12 Noon
For a collector’s Show and Tell. Bring Samples or Photos Your
collection(s) and tell us how you got stated. Lunch included.
FRIDAY, April 01,2016 12 Noon
SHARE if you Dare one of your Most Embarrassing Moment(s) or Situation.
The Best/Worst story will get a Special Prize!
FRIDAY: May 06,2016 to be decided-Hopefully a Low Pace day trip.
Talk, E-Mail or Call: @ 386-445-0454