Back by popular demand: Peace of Christ

Once again, we’re asking you for videos of YOU offering the “Peace of Christ” or response or BOTH!

If you’re happy with a prior submission, then you don’t need to do anything. We’ll use your original submission. If you’d like to update it, that’s fine too!

If you’ve never participated, here’s how …

How to make a Passing of the Peace video

Step 1) Using your smartphone, PC, or Mac camera take a “selfie” video and say either:

May the peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!

You can say BOTH, but please record them as separate videos.

Make sure your video is only a few seconds long (i.e. don’t depart from the script!). Also, holding your phone sideways (landscape) works better for this project.

Being creative is fine! Making it with two or more people (e.g. family) is fine too!


Step 2) Send the video in an email to this address: (you might want to right-click “Open Link in New Window”)

There — you’re done! Now, just give is a little time. We’ll jumble them all together into a “Passing of the Peace” segment in a future worship service.

Sending us this video, of course, is explicit permission by you to share your image with everyone else’s in a video montage for our Sunday morning online worship services. We figured you know that, but we had to make it clear.

Beth-El Farmworkers Youth Mission Trip

We have a group of 7 youth and 2 adults leaving forCedarkirk Camp this Sunday to work at Beth-El Farmworkers mission next week.

Beth-El is in need of WalMart gift cards and Wawa gas cards ranging from $5 to $35.

If you are able to help, please drop off gift cards to the church office Tuesday-Thursday 9am-12 or Friday 10am-12pm. Any questions? Please contact Brooke Tucker via email at

We will be the only group at camp and will be having minimal contact with others at Beth-El. Prayers for safe travel and safe experiences are greatly appreciated!

Bible Study UPDATE for June 25, 2020

Join Rev Dr Jeffrey Beebe today for Bible Study!

The current Bible Study series uses a book titled The Disciple Making Church by Glenn McDonald. Purchase of the book is optional but recommended. You can find it on-line at your favorite bookstore (ISBN-13: 978-1932902679 search).

The video for this week’s Bible Study is below. Beneath the video is a link to the Bible Study Archive. If you missed a week or want to see an older Bible Study series, check out the archive.

Bible Study Archive

The Trinity Bible Study Archive is HERE. The archived videos are arranged from “Newest” to “Oldest”. The first Bible Study you encounter in the archive will be the one for the current week. So, you will need to scroll down to find the older Bible Study videos.

You can access the Bible Study Archive anytime from the Trinity Website menu: Online > Online Bible Study.


And Also With You!

Thank you for sending your videos!

But, we only have five — we need a LOT more for this to be a success! Please pick up that smartphone and take a quick video (instructions are below).

How to make a Passing of the Peace video

Step 1) Using your smartphone, PC, or Mac camera take a “selfie” video and say either:

May the peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!

You can say BOTH, but please record them as separate videos.

Make sure your video is only a few seconds long (i.e. don’t depart from the script!). Also, holding your phone sideways (landscape) works better for this project.

Being creative is fine! Making it with two or more people is fine too! Just keep it under 10 people.


Step 2) Send the video in an email to this address: (you might want to right-click “Open Link in New Window”)

There — you’re done! Now, just give is a little time. We’ll jumble them all together into a “Passing of the Peace” segment in a future worship service.

Sending us this video, of course, is explicit permission by you to share your image with everyone else’s in a video montage for our Sunday morning online worship services. We figured you know that, but we had to make it clear.

May the Peace of Christ be with You!

Do you miss our Christian greeting every week? So do we!

So, we’re going to do the next best thing: make a Passing of the Peace video with all of YOU!

To do this, we need your help:

1) Using your smartphone, PC, or Mac camera take a “selfie” video and say either:

May the peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!

You can say BOTH, but please record them as separate videos.

Make sure your video is only a few seconds long (5 seconds at most).

Being creative is fine! Making it with two or more people is fine too! Just keep it under 10 people.


2) Send the video in an email to this address: (you might want to right-click “Open Link in New Window”)

There — you’re done! Now, just give is a little time. We’ll jumble them all together into a “Passing of the Peace” segment in a future worship service.

Sending us this video, of course, is explicit permission by you to share your image with everyone else’s in a video montage for our Sunday morning online worship services. We figured you know that, but we had to make it clear.

Thank You for Feeding Palm Coast!

The Missions Committee, and the city as a whole, would like to thank each and every one of you who made the Mayor’s Feed Palm Coast Initiative a huge success.

The mayor’s goal is to collect enough non-perishable food to feed 5,000 families of 4 for a week. The volunteers at Parkview Church estimate that they have already collected food for approximately 1,300 families as of April 24th. With a week left, and additional collection site, it is conceivable that the mayor’s goal will not only be met, but exceeded.

As for Trinity Presbyterian Church’s part, we collected and delivered 1,700 pounds of food and $430 in cash donations. I honestly believe that is an underestimation! We even had quite a number of local residents bring food donations after seeing our church marquee, which displayed the message of this mission!

So, a heartfelt thanks to everyone involved with this outreach of love and support.

–Bob Mack, Missions Committee Chair

Warning: Email Scam Circulating

There is currently a SCAM circulating via email asking you to purchase a gift card on behalf of Rev Beebe.

Please know that Rev Beebe, nor anyone on Staff, nor any communication from the church (or ANY legitimate plea for help) will ask you to contribute by getting a gift card.

This particular email greets you by name, is (falsely) signed by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Beebe, and includes the address of Trinity Presbyterian. All these things may imply to you that the request is legitimate. IT IS NOT. We do not ask for contributions by gift card. Nor do we ever ask you to do something because “of my busy schedule”.

Please use caution when confronted with these scams. The best approach is to immediately discard a suspicious looking email. That is, if ANYTHING appears suspicious even before you open the email: DELETE it.

If you have already opened the email: DELETE it.

As always, be sure to use virus-scanning software on your computer and keep it up to date. Many virus scanning software products also provide email or email attachment scanning.

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