Security at Trinity

As most of you are aware, we have spent significant time and money in the past 2 years improving the appearance and upgrading the facilities of the church.  Now, given tragic events out of Texas and elsewhere in our country and the world, it is imperative that we consider the security of our total campus.  As a result of concerns from some members, and as a necessary response to those recent news events, the facility care committee met recently with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Department and its security Task Force.  The result of that meeting is a big list of needed upgrades and security measures if we are to meet our responsibilities to ensure the safety of our members.

A full written report will be forthcoming from the Sheriff’s Department.  That report will be available to you.

Needless to say, we are going to need money and volunteer participation if we are to meet even a minimum level of church security.  We will meet with Security Companies as appropriate.  In the meantime, we need to be aware of members who have expertise in any of the following areas:

  1. Grant Procurement
  2. Weapons Management and Enforcement
  3. Security Backgrounds
  4. Building Security Organization
  5. Technical security preparation and maintenance

If you can be of help in any of these or allied areas, we need to know of your willingness to participate.  You can do so by informing our church office, who will forward the details to me.

Thanks for your attention and interest.  It is important in today’s world that we have more than a “head in the sand” approach to the safety of our valued worshippers.


John Waugaman,

Facility Care Chair

Interim Pastor

On the recommendation of the Interim Pastor Selection Committee, Trinity’s session approved a one-year employment contract for Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Beebe of Ormond Beach.  Rev. Beebe’s full-time, temporary pastoral service may be renewed annually until a Pastoral Nominating Committee selects our next called pastor.  With 30 days’ notice, this contract may be terminated with the installation of Trinity’s next called pastor.  This is all in partnership with the St. Augustine Presbytery.

Rev. Beebe has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Florida State University (1987), a Master of Divinity at Columbia Theological Seminary (1994), and a Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California (2012).  He has served in interim positions at Celebration Christian Church (CBF), Celebration Florida, St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Titusville, and at the Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church.  Prior to these interim pastorates, he served full time pastoral positions in both Kentucky and Florida.

Rev Beebe is married, his wife, Cyndy, is a high school math teacher.  They have three children. During this transition period, Rev. Beebe deserves the prayerful cooperation and support of Trinity’s members in preparing the way for our next called pastor.

Supply pastor Sunday, November 5

We welcome to our pulpit Rev. Dr. Jeffrey William Beebe who comes to us from Ormond Beach, Florida where he lives with his wife (Cyndy) and their four children (Benjamin 25, Allacyn 21, Megann 16, Erynn 14). Dr. Beebe is a graduate of Florida State University, Columbia Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, Calif)) and is currently a member-at-large of the Presbytery of Central Florida. He has served in and alongside of the Church in many different capacities. Dr. Beebe understands that “making disciples” is both the Church’s responsibility and the primary theological issue facing the Church today and that our role in making disciples begins in the Baptismal Vows and extends to the ends of the earth as the Church is sent forth in mission. The Church’s task is to make disciples who are authentically walking with Christ and who are fully engaged in faithful practices of discipleship (worship, fellowship, study, service, and witness) using the gifts and abilities which God has, is, and will continue to provide.

Acquiring Replacement Pastor(s)

Acquiring Replacement Pastor(s)

There is considerable discussion among Trinity’s members about the replacement process.  It seems appropriate to spell out this process in general terms for all members.  With the termination of Pastor Watson’s current call effective October 15, 2017, Trinity is in need of a replacement for him, and in the immediate future a temporary pastoral relationship (interim) to serve until such time as a replacement pastor can be installed.  How long this process may take is unknown.  The interim pastor serves to cover this unknown period of time.

According to the Book of Order all pastoral relationships are approved by the Presbytery, and all installed pastors are members of the Presbytery, – rather than the membership of individual churches.  With that approval process, it is incumbent upon our committees, the Interim Pastor Selection Committee, and the Pastoral Nominating Committee to work in close partnership with the St. Augustine Presbytery to achieve their final approval of our work.

Given this partnership, we will have two committees working to replace our installed pastor.  The Interim Pastor Selection Committee was appointed at the regular session meeting, Monday September 18, following Rev. Watson’s announcement that he would be requesting termination of his call as of October 15, 2017.  This committee consists of five session members, Ken Mettler (Co-chair), Bob Settles (Co-chair), Jennifer Kaczmarek, Bob Tabit, and Shirley Wilson.  With any questions about this interim process, please feel free to contact any of these committee members.   An interim pastor is employed under contract which must be negotiated, and is not an installed pastoral position.

At an appropriate time in the near future, the session will call a congregational meeting.  That meeting will elect a Pastoral Nominating Committee that shall be representative of the whole congregation.  The committee’s duty shall be to nominate a pastor for election by the congregation.  The Book of Order details the Call Process, Terms of Call, and the Installation Service.  After approval of our nominee by the Presbytery, the interim pastor will be relieved of his/her responsibilities, and Trinity’s Pastoral relationship will be restored.

Membership Committee

Holiday Fair

Our Holiday Fair this year will be Saturday November 4 from 8:30 till 4:pm
The fair features:
beautiful jewelry,
great books,
all handmade crafts for all ages,
closet clutter with hidden treasures,
freshly baked goodies, and
slightly used clothing.
Be sure to stay for lunch for our delicious homemade soup or ham salad sandwiches, or maybe a hot dog. You may even buy takeout of soup or a sandwich.  It is a great time to do your early Christmas shopping here or pick a house gift for Thanksgiving.
See you there!    Sandy Boland

Dear Trinity family

It is with a heavy but thankful heart that I announce our departure from Trinity in order that we may accept a new call to First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, Florida.

Jules and I have been blessed to serve you all these many years, and we love our Trinity family. God is good, and God will see us through to our new call, even as God directs you all to your next minister.

Our final Sunday will be October 15th. We will have one service that day so that we may say our goodbyes together in the unity of Christ Jesus our Lord. It has been a great privilege to be with you, and we will miss you all. We wish you well and will always be praying for you, knowing that your witness for Christ will continue according to his will.

Yours in Christ,

Ron and Jules Watson

Hurricane Irma – Closing information for Trinity

The session has made the decision that all worship services be canceled this Sunday. Furthermore, we will not be re-opening for business before next Wednesday, September 13, and only if it is practical to do so.

Though we will not be together in body, we will be together in spirit on Sunday morning, praying for God’s mercy for our community and our country from the storm.

Please stay safe and pray for those affected by Hurricane Irma.

Yours in Christ,
Ron Watson

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