Trinity Presbyterian Church is actively participating in Mayor Melissa Holland’s city-wide Feed Palm Coast Initiative program. Complete information about this massive project can be found at including suggested food products.
Our church will be accepting all non-perishable food products Monday-Friday, April 20-24, 9am – Noon at our church. Volunteers will be on site to remove your items from your trunk or SUV hatch. No need for you to exit your vehicle. Please be sure you unlock your doors for access.
Come into the church parking lot using the main entrance off Florida Park Dr. Turn Left into the FIRST, paved lot where you can hand off your items. Continue going forward. ONE WAY out onto Franklin Way and back to Florida Park Dr.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm!
Please direct inquiries about this initiative to any of the following contacts:
Bob Mack
Kellie Jebbia
Laurie Harrison