Palm Coast City Food Initiative

Trinity Presbyterian Church is actively participating in Mayor Melissa Holland’s city-wide Feed Palm Coast Initiative program. Complete information about this massive project can be found at including suggested food products.

Our church will be accepting all non-perishable food products Monday-Friday, April 20-24, 9am – Noon at our church. Volunteers will be on site to remove your items from your trunk or SUV hatch. No need for you to exit your vehicle. Please be sure you unlock your doors for access.

Come into the church parking lot using the main entrance off Florida Park Dr. Turn Left into the FIRST, paved lot where you can hand off your items. Continue going forward. ONE WAY out onto Franklin Way and back to Florida Park Dr.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm!

Please direct inquiries about this initiative to any of the following contacts:

Bob Mack
Kellie Jebbia
Laurie Harrison

Reusable Masks: Updated Monday April 6, 2020

Since the CDC began recommending the use of reusable masks, there’s been a big demand for Trinity Reusable Masks! The Trinity Sisters in Stitches (a sub-group of Presbyterian Women) have been hard at work making more masks. They don’t really have time to stop sewing, so we’re providing a list of the most frequently asked questions (and answers!).

If you would like one of the masks, please read the FAQ page before getting yours.

Click the links to get the FAQs!

COVID-19 Update: April 2, 2020

We hope that you are doing well this day!

It is very strange to be sequestered to our homes and not moving about our regular days. We are busy working on attempting to reach the members and friends of Trinity with the Good News of the Gospel.

Trinity Times should go online later today and it is also being mailed out to the congregation this month to make sure we reach as many members and friends as possible. A special worship bulletin will be mailed out as well to help our friends and members, which will include “at home” worship on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and on Easter. These are strange times indeed!

We are trying to keep Trinity’s Facebook page and Trinity’s website current and continue to upload messages and worship videos to help folks stay connected. Trinity’s Deacons are continuing to reach out to their flocks and are responding to needs as they might arise and the Session continue to help guide and direct the ministries of TPC.

We are providing periodic reminders about our worshipful giving to the ministries of Trinity including the reminder that we don’t have to pass the offering plate down the pew in order to make our offering.

Hopefully, our criss-crossing of information will catch everyone and no one will feel disconnected.

On COVID-19 front, we are continuing to maintain essential Church Office hours 9-12 Monday thru Thursday to help meet the needs of those needing assistance. A number of individuals are busily sewing reusable mask and making those available to those who may be in need of one. These masks may be picked up in the Church Office. Keep in mind that a significant portion of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering provides funding to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) which is currently assisting those effected by COVID-19.

Reusable Masks for Trinity

Laurie Harrison and the Presbyterian Women are the “Trinity Sisters in Stitches” and have been working diligently to supply the Flagler Free Clinic and other local medical professionals with protective masks for weeks. They are now offering one mask (at no cost) for each person in the congregation:

  • Contact Laurie directly for specific requests by text (check the church directory)
  • Requests through Thursday will be filled for pickup the next week starting on Monday of each week
  • Turnaround time for requests will be 4 days
  • Masks will be at the church office Monday to Thursday from 9:00AM to noon and will be available for pickup just inside the church office door
  • Respect social distancing to church staff especially Dana who will be at the office to help with distribution

Please read the full text of Laurie’s message for more details about the masks:

We are making 100% washable and reusable cotton cloth masks with elastic ear loops, a wire nose piece embedded in the seam and a pocket for housing a paper coffee filter. The paper coffee filter can be removed and discarded. A fresh filter can be inserted after drying the mask. They are a double layer of material which can offer up to 50% protection against viruses and bacteria according to some of the articles we have read. This extra protection is certainly better for all of us than having nothing. Wash, Wear, Reuse, Do not discard.

The masks are in short supply because we have been sewing for nursing homes, the Flagler free clinic, doctor’s offices, physical therapists, post office, police and fire Dept and now Publix.

The need is great and we want to have all of our Trinity family protected as well. Time is of the essence.

We would like to make the masks available to the congregation on a one per person basis. This way if you need to go out for necessary shopping, you will have a barrier to the places where the virus may possibly be. PLEASE protect yourself in this way whether you make your own masks or come the church office to get one of ours. All materials used in the masks were washed prior to making the masks and I suggest that you wash the mask at home before wearing it.

The masks will be available at the church office during office hours Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM to noon (the office closes promptly at noon). Text me with your request. Leave your name and the number of masks you need. We need to provide respect and social distancing to Dana who will be at the office to help with distribution.

ALL MASKS WILL BE LOCATED JUST INSIDE THE CHURCH OFFICE DOOR. If made a text request, your name will be pinned to the mask.

Plastic bag waste will not be generated for this effort.

The turnaround time for requests will be 4 days. Requests through Thursday will be filled for pickup the next week starting on Monday of each week.

We sincerely want this effort to be successful because we care deeply for each one of you. We are dealing with uncertainty and uncharted waters. Our gracious God will lead us through this and He has taught us to care for each other. At this time of year, when we are reminded of how God cared for us more than life, let us all care for each other by taking this step to prevent the spread of this dangerous virus. Our wish for you is for health and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.

Any and all donations to this cause can be directed to Trinity Presbyterian Women. If you’d like to give NOW to support Presbyterian Women, you can use click Donate NOW. Pick the “Unpledged General Funds” and please be sure to contact the church Finance Secretary to tell her you’d like the gift to go to Presbyterian Women. An easy way to do that is to forward your gift’s email receipt to the Financial Secretary.

–Laurie Harrison

Trinity Presbyterian Coronavirus Update: March 18, 2020

At Trinity we, like many other congregations, take the health and well-being of our congregation, staff, and community very seriously. We are continuing to monitor coronavirus (COVID-19) updates.

Please follow this link to read about the precautionary measures we are taking: COVID-19 Update for March 18, 2020

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